Story about JAMES JOYCE when he was a diver / Dnevnik award for a short comic book 

Ljubezenska zgodba. Ne taka običajna, kot jih je najti povsod. V tej ljubezenski zgodbi nastopa ženska in v njej nastopa moški. Pa ne ge za ljubezensko zgodbo med žensko in moškim. Gre za ljubezensko zgodbo med bitjem in življenjem. Solza in nasmeh sta v tem stripu blizu. Morda zgolj zato, ker je to strip o življenju. O najbolj posebnem življenju. O tistem življenju, ki ga živi čisto vsak od nas. In v resničnem življenju sta si solza in smeh izjemno blizu. Zgodba nam sporoča, da je vedno konec nečesa kar je bilo i začetek nečesa kar bo. Preprosta je, morda za kakšne oči na prvi pogled absurdna. Zgodba in slika, ki jo obdaja, ali ji tvori bistvo. Zgolj zato, spet, kot smo že rekli, ker predstavlja življenje. Droben strip, ki omogoča drobne trenutke, ko poleg tistega kar strip vsebuje, omogoča najti tudi samega sebe. In če to zmore storiti v kakšnem majhnem delčku, je enako, kot bi to zmogel v celoti. Iskro se iskri Iskrin strip. 


Turli-tavi a comic book based on the poetry of Dani Kavaš

Turli tava by Iskra Beličanska( Book )

1 edition published in 2011 in Slovenian and held by 7 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Publisher:Studio Osem, Ljubljana, 2011  

"Comick that Iskra draws, Its not a comic in the classic sense, it does not take into account the comic conventions: no action, no escalation and not changing plans. Even her compositional strip easy. Drawing records feelings and sometimes even no literal connection with the original text , it overlaps, as poetry putting the whole in to a new context and its own interpretative framework. (...) Simple and masterful. "

 Marko Butina 

From Iskra with new ideas by Kiril Temkov

..With This projekt Iskra strongly reiterated her art culture and skills. The title Turlitava (Traditional Macedonian dish with combination if ingredients and deferent kind of meat) does not speak much about stylistic orientations, but the spiritual power that derives from the relationship of attitudes, of the knowledge and the high spiritual goals of the author.

Iskra Beličanska builds philosophical comic as an illustration on Dani Kavaš sharp, postmodern, short literary researches, in which the fine art is in service to the idea. The spirit of modern man is directed towards broad thinking, shelf knowledge and criticism.

 Nevertheless the new culture insists, not only to be spoken discourse, but to be followed by all the means of spiritual communication. Neither the video art performances, nor the music (Hip hop for example) or the various visual art works, are not screeching before the literary concept, it is very often their base.

 Тhe comics of Iskra Beličhanska are made on graphic sheets, standardized in order to introduce the wholeness of the project. The characters, the position of the interlocutors, the comic twists and the presentation of the little heroes with their dilemmas, the form of the words and the way of placing the titles in to the drawing.. All this shows how fine art can build up the idea., 

The unique accurate but powerful drawing goes hand by hand with the idea and forms a unique philosophical visibility of the artworks. Bringing up significant social and anthropological questions, they gently touch their viewers /readers, encouraging critical and intellectual stance, giving faith in the power of the contemporary spirit and mined. 

 Kiril Temkov