School History


梁 玲 12/7/2008

去年十二月七日下午,貝城华人基督徒教会礼拜堂一派喜庆,廳堂上的燈籠喜氣洋洋,舞臺上是王華清教授題寫的遒勁大字“二十周年校慶”,原來是中文學校校慶。華人在貝市历史悠久,自十九世紀初泛美鐵路建造時便已开始,因此而有英瑞工商聯合會、中華會館等組織。早期移民以說粵語為主,中華會館因此有以粵語教學的中文學校。然粵語畢竟只在兩廣、香港及東南亞华裔通用。二十世紀八十年代,來自台灣和中国大陆的華人漸多,家長們萌生出教育下一代國語的打算。一九八七年,劉美月和王世偉發起家庭教育小組,用國語教書識字,學注音符號寫正體字,租用Stine Road Baptist Church房間,接收一至十二年級的學生,課本是中華民國僑委會免費提供的教材,師資由家長志願擔任。讓孩子學習中華傳統文化幾乎是每位華人父母的願望,他们傾注了大量心血,曾派代表不遠千里回台北,接受專門教師培訓,加強教學內容。九零年,小組加入南加州中文學校聯合會,大大加強了資訊渠道。九八年,通過姊妹學校的信息共享,時任校長崔麗華和家長梁荣宗(Gary Chee)搜集資料,向國稅局申請非盈利教育機構,九九年获批准,小組有了正式名稱——碧克斐中文學校。

二十餘年来风雨兼程,所幸一路得到各界人士傾力相助:經費拮據,一位方太太默默資助月租$100元達三年之久;九二年浸信會教會房間無法再租用,華美協會主席Tim Yin及其成員鼎力支持,學校遷至第一長老會兒童中心,得以繼續;零一年學校因生源不足經費告急,校長周筱英及眾多家長合心組織庭院舊貨出售,募集約七百余元, 解決燃眉之急;零七年春,第一長老會兒童中心翻修,學校再次面臨無教室窘況,所幸華人基督徒教會慷慨接納,授課得以繼續;中華會館的Dale Lee先生亦敞開雙臂愿意接納學校;歷年來學校有眾多辛勤的義工家長,財務胡三元默默管理學校財務保持收支平衡,理事会主席梁荣宗默默打理學校與政府相關的事物,設法争取各公司機構的經濟資助;也有眾多義工校長:劉美月、牟王慧英、崔麗華、施美滿、周筱英女士,其中崔麗華、施美滿、周筱英女士除任校長外,還義務擔任教師長達九、十年不等;其他各位教師也是傾注心血,教書育人……如此種種,無法一一細數。二十餘年來,學校在發展變化,師資上由家長完全志願擔任,到如今幾乎都是非家長擔任。教材上由僑委會提供的注音符號和繁體字教材,到暨南大學的漢語拼音和簡體字教材,再到如今的美洲華語教材兼顧繁體字和簡體字。規章制度上由最初的一切自發,到形成系統的學生守則。學校圖書館也逐步擴大。貝市各界華人一如既往對中文學校孩子們提供各種輔助教育。華美協會每年年刊必留一部分空間給學生們展示學習作品,或繪畫或作文,于孩子是莫大的鼓勵,記錄下他們成長道路上或濃或淡的筆畫。Allan Kao夫婦每年開春必到學校拍攝學校班級照片,登印于華美協會年刊,以博各界對學校的關注。華美協會春節晚會,都會為孩子們準備一個舞臺,讓他們歌舞,接觸了解中華文化。婦女協會組織歷代女子服飾時裝展、文化月,必通知孩子們前往觀看,讓他們窺豹一斑知道中華文化的源遠流長,并了解中醫、中華書法等精粹。


為了學生們能更有動力學中文,為了對各界人士的支持道一聲謝,讓學生們看到幸福的他們周圍濃濃的關注和支持。校長、老師和家長們出谋划策,為校慶推出了以下节目:抽獎活動、學校歷史回顧和展覽、學長學習中文之經驗分享、邀請嘉賓、學生表演。家長張紅霞和 Michelle Buttram擔起抽獎活動重任,募集、包裝獎品,準備獎券和銷售,熱心張羅著一切。前任校長周筱英不顧身體病痛,整理學校歷年活動集錦和相冊,給來客一個了解學校歷史的視角。Maria Leung女士提供記錄學校學生作品的華美協會往年年刊,展示學生們成長的每一個腳印。學長高漢祖的文章由兩位學生念讀,讓學生們聽到學長的忠告和經驗,也讓老師和家長們聽到孩子的呼聲。王华清教授慷慨提笔献字,给学生们耐心书写讲解,一副“书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟”,道出长辈对学生们的殷切期望。


当天另一亮點則是慷慨的嘉賓點燃的。中文學校所有收取的學費都用到了教室租用和學生學業教授上,經費一向不寬綽,此次校慶既抽獎集資,也鼓勵募捐。Patrick Leung先生當場慷慨捐助$500元,家長Janis Freed女士$200元。華美協會會長Quon Louey先生$100,Don Winslow和Allan Kao先生也慷慨解囊捐贈。在此再次向各位支持者表示真誠的感謝。

這次校慶活動與各界人士一起回顧了學校歷史,讓學生們借此契機端正學習態度,也讓所有人再次認識到碧克斐中文學校是各界人士合心經營的結晶,孩子们的中文教育需要每一个人的 参与和支持。“路漫漫其修遠兮,吾將上下而求索。”與诸位共勉。

A Summary Report about Bakersfield Chinese School 20+th Anniversary Event

The Bakersfield Chinese School held a wonderful end-of-semester performance and celebrated the school 20+ years' anniversary on Dec. 7th, 2008. Thanks to everyone's wonderful support, the event turned out great.

Students' performances were wonderful! Thanks to all the teachers' and students' hard work. Students in class 1(A) sang and danced and introduced themselves in Chinese at the end. Most students are from English-speaking environment, and just learned Chinese for 3 months. Their performance was lovely and wonderful. Class 1 (B) challenged a tongue twister. 4 and 10 read different but sound similar in Chinese. Students performed this demanding tongue twister and did a great job. Class 2 demonstrated speech "My dream" and a song "Play my little trumpet". All students expressed fluently in Chinese for their future dreams, including to be a doctor, chef, pianist, millionaire, good son, etc. It's touching to hear their big dreams and we wish them all the best in their pursuing. Class 3 performed a skit "The Red Chicken Mum". Students performed gymnastic and played the fun story. Class 4 recited a beautiful poem fluently with appropriate expression. Class 5 displayed two Chinese idiom stories "self-contradictory from a boasting person selling spears and shield" and "bully others by flaunting one's powerful connections between a smart fox and a tiger". Some special highlights of the performance: Linjia Jiang participated in the performance in her crutches at the time for she had leg injury, her effort was appreciated; Melonie Yue substituted a role in class 5's performance while the designated student was sick and absent. Melonie is only 6 years old, but she courageously stood up and performed excellently in the "self-contradictory" idiom story. Great job!

Livia and Allan Kao’s son Andrew Kao, a past Chinese school student, wrote an inspiring article about his Chinese learning experience .The article was read by Jessica Yue and David Freed in Chinese and English respectfully. The article is encouraging and allowed students to know about the Chinese learning path from their senior fellow. The article also opened another view for parents and teachers regarding learning Chinese.

Prof. Huaqing Wang demonstrated Chinese calligraphy for the students. He gave students a unique chance to see the beauty of Chinese characters. Prof. Wang also dedicated several pieces of beautiful calligraphy for the school. We thank him for the wonderful support. The students gathered around him and showed great interest in it. I am sure the students have learned to appreciate Chinese calligraphy.

There was an exhibition of school history with a display of the great collection the school history photos and journals provided by Mrs. Carol Wang, previous Chinese school principal and CAAKC bulletins with past students' homework provided by Mrs. Maria Leung. Thank you both for those precious history preservation. Mrs. Maria Leung also provided us with her Chinese decoration for the event.

We thank for the technical support provided by Ryan Michaud and Tak Leung from Chinese church (CCCOB) We also thank CCCOB for their continuous support in providing for classrooms for the school! The school events were reported through TV and newspaper. Thanks Amber Chiang for her coordination.. She opened a great way for school's growth. We were honored to have special guests like previous principal Carol Wang, school president Gary Chee, Pastor Kurt Teng, CAAKC president Quon Louey and his board members, Mr. Patrick Leung and Mrs. Maria Leung, Previous teacher Frank Lu, Jun Li, Pei Shuan Lin etc. We thank them for their strong shoulders to the school! Some other guests couldn't make it to the event because of time conflict. Hope this summary report would help convey our appreciation to them as well. The school received a congratulation letter from Senator Roy Ashburn, with a certificate of recognition. We thank for his encouragement and support..

The event raised $780.00 from raffle ticket sale, and received $900.00 donation for the school. Thank you all for your wonderful input in the event! The fund raised will be used for our students' education purpose.

Sincere thanks to all the generous prize donors: Carol Fok, Michelle Buttram, Lillian Yeh, Luke Boongird, Kary Mack , Grace Tran, Isabel Chuang, Dr. James Ching, Michael Fok, Coral Dong, Myle Diosi, Dr. and Mrs. C.T. Yeh, The Buttram Family, Shirley Man, Verna Lewis, Janis Freed, Jing Guo, Charliey Chiang, Ling Liang, Dr and Mrs. Jim Kim, Dr. Thin Thin Han and Dr. Myat Myat Han.

The generous monetary donors were Mrs. Janis Freed, Mr. Don Winslow, Mr. Patrick Leung, CAAKC, and Mr. Allan Kao. We appreciate all your generosity.

Heartfelt thanks to Mack’s family, Grace Tran, Myle Disosi, Andrew Whang, Leo Fok and Leah Jin who assisted in raffle ticket sale and the raffling. Special thanks to parents Carol Fok and Michelle Buttram who coordinated the prize collection.

The event demonstrated again that the school is our whole community's joint effort. I sincerely thank all again for your support to the Bakersfield Chinese School in one way or another to help the school stand strong and grow.

Ling Liang

Volunteer Principal of Bakersfield Chinese School