
The current venue for the
Ayrshire Bible Readings 

Bethany Hall is located in the Glenburn area of Prestwick in Shaw Road, Prestwick. KA9 2LN and is denoted on the accompanying map by the orange marker pin. 

Bethany Hall is situated about half a mile from Prestwick Main Street and the location of the previous venue, Bute Hall.

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There is some car parking space within the boundary wall of the Hall and also on the piece of ground adjacent to the Hall. 

Additional parking is available at the kerbside in Shaw Road itself and in the adjoining streets, but please take care not to obstruct the driveways of the local residents. 


Shaw Road




This statue of Icarus, which can be seen on the Prestwick Airport ring road, represents the mythical person who attempted to fly and ventured too near the Sun causing the wax on his wings to melt resulting in a fall to his death.

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Prestwick Airport bears witness to the fact that human attempts to fly have greatly improved since then!