Audio Files


For free download, or purchase copies on CD

Please note that only the Evening Ministry recordings are listed. 

(The afternoon conversational Bible Readings are not recorded)

The evening ministry sessions have been recorded and the files  are freely available on this page in mp3 format for downloading and saving directly to your own computer.

 To download the files click on the 'Download' link against the appropriate file and then save it to a suitable location on your own computer. 

If you require the recordings on Audio CD format then these can be supplied as a boxed set of 10 disks at a cost of £15 (including p&p) by emailing Hamilton Welsh at:

Alternatively many recordings can be supplied on a single CD in mp3 format (£3 incl p&p) that can be played on a home computer or on a modern mp3 enabled CD player or car audio system.

Audio Recordings of the ABR 2024 Evening Ministry on 2 Corinthians

Click the appropriate year folder below to access the individual audio files for that year.

Click on the relevant file to open and play, Alternatively, right-click the file then select 'download' to copy the file to your device.

Christian Recording Fellowship

Visit the Christian Recording Fellowship (CRF) website to download ministry from previous Ayrshire Bible Readings from 1974 through to 2017 together with many other recordings. 

 Once on the CRF site, select the option, 'Browse By Set' and the Ayrshire Bible Readings will be listed by year under the titles, 'ABR 74' through to 'ABR 2017'. 

Many other recordings of Bible teaching are also available on that website by a wide variety of Bible teachers.