Julia - Recent

Julia & James get MARRIED!!!

So on Saturday 20th August 2016 Julia and James tied the knot at St. Stephens church in Chatham and held their reception at The North Barn, Aylesford Priory. The day was themed "All Things Country" given that they met through the Texas Moon, decoration of the barn took place the night before and all those involved did a sterling job in turning it into a pukka wedding venue!

A few snaps from the day itself...

The North Barn @ Aylesford Priory

Wedding boots and dress

Grandad getting ready to give her away

Getting ready

The Bridesmaids

Me 'n' my gal

James with his Dad, the Best Man

The CAKE!! - (made by Nan Margaret)

Me and Annie as witnesses for the happy couple

James and Julia outside the church

Me 'n' my gal

The first dance...

"Because someone we love is in Heaven

there's a little bit of Heaven at our Wedding"

Releasing the balloons

We had a fandabidosey day all round, even the wet weather didn't put us off and it stayed dry when it needed to, everything went according to plan, well almost everything, the release of balloons for those family members no longer with us had to take place at the Priory in the end due to it being too windy at Bluebell Hill picnic area but apart from that it was a wikid day!

Yours truly made a speech at the wedding, even though I practised like mad before the big day trying to work out the emotions beforehand, when it came to delivering it, it was an entirely different matter. Having listened to my Dad make his speech as stand-in for Father of the Bride, James do his speech and his Dad do the Best Man speech I had sucked up loads of different emotions which made mine all the more difficult to say on top of the emotion that was lurking in the words anyway. Suffice to say I did manage to deliver it, eventually, despite a few wobbly moments and left everyone in tears. Here's the words for prosperity...

Wedding Speech

Today as we sat in church watching Julia & James make their vows to each other I struggled to get my head around how my little girl could be grown up enough already to be getting married.

Sometimes it seems like only yesterday that she was still my little girl, mine to watch over and cherish.

· Drying her tears when she was sad,

· Taking care of her when she was sick,

· Filling her days with love, laughter & even the odd adventure.

I’ve watched her grow up into the woman you see before you today, she’s my best friend as well as my daughter and I am more proud of her than I can put into words.


I’m sure many of you here know that Julia & James met when they were just young teenagers, at The Texas Moon Country Music Club and that’s why today we are surrounded by all things Country!

As I watched their budding romance blossom into something stronger and deeper I’ve also had to learn to share my girl with someone who has become more important to her as those years have rolled by, something that hasn’t always been as easy for me as I may have made it look.

In my defence, as the song goes, “I Loved Her First”! Over the years we have shared together she has been my rock, the reason I get up in the mornings and without her I would simply cease to be.


But as parents we strive to nurture our children sufficiently that they are independent enough to go out into the big wide world on their own.

· To hopefully fall in love

· Fortunate enough maybe, to start a little family of their own.

It’s what we all wish for our children and my hopes and dreams for Julia are no exception. She’s been lucky enough to find her special someone in James and you only have to look at the pair of them to see how much they love and adore each other.


So from today, James, I’m relying on you to take care of the most precious thing I have,

· To make her laugh,

· To comfort her when she’s sad,

· To share your strength with her when she is feeling weak,

· To stand by her side from this day forward no matter what.

And in return Julia, I expect you to afford James the same comfort and respect, to love and support him equally throughout your life together.


Because that’s what loving someone is really all about, it’s not just the exciting parts and grand gestures like today, it’s the simple everyday things.

· Putting the other person’s wants and needs before your own,

· Being honest with each other,

· Showing compassion and understanding

· Learning to compromise

· And to even make sacrifices sometimes for the good of you both as a couple, not just two people who happen to live together.

Taking care of each other now and for always –



So please raise your glasses with me and wish Julia & James a long and happy marriage, as the new Mr & Mrs Bailey.

Annie the Ex-Guide Dog comes home to stay!!

So having been dedicated boarders for the Guide Dog association, one of the dogs struck a chord with all of us.

Annie is a GSD/Goldie cross who is a real diva of a dog and whilst she is truly amazing, sadly she didn't make the cut as a guide dog. A fact that affects many of her siblings who have also had to be re-homed because they don't want to obey the GD rules all the time, they very much pick and choose when they will behave and when they won't.

So literally just before Christmas 2019 we finally heard the amazeballs news that Julia & James had successfully been chosen to re-home her.

Happy days, not least because I think she'd stolen all of our hearts, mine especially.

Annie 💕

Here she is earlier in the year on a walk amongst the Bluebells.

She is mostly very much like a GSD but her head shape and ears in particular are all Goldie. Very unusual and she attracts a lot of comments when she is out and about.

She now enjoys life in the epicentre of a huge cloud of love and attention, a real diva!

This is what I mean about those gorgeous fluffy ears! Still the GSD colouring but not quite a GSD face :-)

This dog melts my heart every time I see her and I'm now Grandma to a Furbaby.

We all feel very privileged to have been given the chance to welcome her back into the bosom of our family 💖