2014 Does ARRS lead to better learning?

Data Description

This is the ASSISTment data that gathered from an ARRS study in the school year 2009~2010.

Possible Research Questions

RQ1: Is ARRS system help student learning?

That is what this page is about.

RQ2: Is ARRS data help student assessment?

That question is answered here: https://sites.google.com/site/assistmentsdata/arrs.

RQ1: Does ARRS help in learning?

There are a few papers that are talked about these finding. Two from AERA are below.

  1. Pellegrino, G., Goldman, S., Goldman, S., Stoelinga, T., Heffernan, N., & Heffernan, C. (2014) Technology Enabled Assessment:Adapting to the Needs of Students and Teachers. American Educational Research Association (AERA 2014) Conference.

  2. Soffer, D., Das, V., Pellegrino, G., Goldman, S., Heffernan, N., Heffernan, C.,& Dietz, K. (2014) Improving Long-term Retention of Mathematical Knowledge through Automatic Reassessment and Relearning. American Educational Research Association (AERA 2014) Conference. Division C - Learning and Instruction / Section 1c: Mathematics. PDF (peer reviewed but unknown rate) Poster Nominated for the best poster of the session.

  3. Heffernan, N., Heffernan, C., Dietz, K., Soffer, D., Pellegrino, J. W., Goldman, S. R. & Dailey, M. (2012). Cognitively-Based Instructional Design Principles: A Technology for Testing their Applicability via Within-Classroom Randomized Experiments. AERA 2012.

Data Download

Pre-Post test table:


Detailed problem log table:


Column Headings (more details is coming soon...)

For Pre-Post test table:

  • order_id

      • These id's are chronological, and refer to the id of the original problem log.

    • Pre-Post test table:

For Detailed problem log table:

  • For

  • assignment_id

      • Two different assignments can have the same sequence id. Each assignment is specific to a single teacher/class.