

aGrep is a open-source text search program like a "grep".

aGrep can ...

-search text from text files in the external storage.(support Regular Expression)

-detect encoding of asian language character code. (Japanese, Chinese ,Korean etc.. )

-be started by SEARCH-intent.

-view the result by filename,line-number and content.

-have a internal text viewer.

-start any external app which can receive VIEW-intent.

== Screen Shot ==

== Support OS ==

Android OS 1.5 or later

== Download ==

from Android Market market

from Web Github

Sourcecode jiro-aqua's aGrep at master - GitHub

== Contact ==

If you want to contact me (developper) , send message on the blog , mail or Twitter.


Copyright (C) 2010, Aquamarine Networks.


Mail : Jiro <>

Twitter: @jiro_aqua