'Jukebox' revisited - EXEC file

% U.Jukeb62

% by Allan Gardner

% For more details see U.Jukeb/i

% Published by AMPLINEX November 1991

"getcat" [

zblk names cblk 1 #+ #!

62 cblk 5 #+ #! cblk 8 osgbpb

numfils numfil-a #!

numfil-a #? numfil-c #!

names ptr-a #! numfil-c #? FOR(

drvnum #? 48 #+ ptr-a c!

8 ptr-a #+!)FOR


"logo" [7 MODE curoff

0 0 tab 4 FOR(134x157x')FOR

2FOR(2 COUNT 1#-tab 129x141x)FOR

5 0 tab"Rcacccmmcb!c Jukcbau"$OUT

140x"(62 file DFS)"$OUT

5 1 tab"PFogFuMMudte Jokedox"$OUT

3 2 tab 132x

"(c) 1991 Allan M Gardner"$OUT

24 3 tab 132x"autoRepeat:"$OUT

repflg #? IF(35 3 tab 136x129x"ON"

$OUT)ELSE(35 3 tab 132x"OFF"$OUT)IF

srtflg #? IF(30 2 tab 129x" Sorted"

$OUT)ELSE(30 2 tab 132x"unSorted"

$OUT)IF28 24 tab 136x134x157x129x

"h"$OUT 132x137x"help"$OUT


"numfils" [

62 cblk 5 #+ #? #-


"printitle" [

dsktitl ptr-a #!

2 3 tab 132x"Disk:"$OUT

drvnum #? NOUT 129x

ptr-a c? FOR(

1 ptr-a #+! ptr-a c?

#11 126 #< IF(x)ELSE(#2 SP)IF




"setdrv" [

% This word should be edited to suit

% the disc-drives used. Place '%'

% where required. (If all 3 options

% are removed with '%'s then the

% program will be correct for 1

% single-sided drive.

% drvnum #? 1 AND 1 XOR drive

% for 2 single-sided drives

% drvnum #? 2 XOR drive

% for 1 double-sided drive

drvnum #? 2 #+ 4 #/ XOR drive

% for 2 double-sided drives
