Welcome to AMPLINEX 023

In this issue we have the regular sections of Questions and Answers and Hints and Tips as well as an explanation of the Slide command, a utility which provides a play-along 12-bar blues, and an update of the jukebox utility published in a past issue of AMPLINEX. In the News and Reviews section we have an AMPLE user's view of the EMR Studio 24+ software for the Archimedes, and we have eighteen pieces of AMPLE music including some seasonal melodies in traditional and not-so-traditional forms.

Please accept our best wishes for Christmas and the New Year. We look forward to your support during 1992.

Editor's note:

Once again I have to apologise for the late arrival of an AMPLINEX issue - but, I hope, for the last time. I have just finished the final part of my further education course, rather later than planned, and this delay meant that the September issue of AMPLINEX had to be postponed and eventually became the November issue.

Future AMPLINEX issues should revert to the normal timetable of six issues per year.

I would like to offer my thanks to you for your patience over this past year of reduced AMPLINEX issues and hope that we can make 1992 a busy one for AMPLINEX.

Kevin Doyle and Roy Follett