Fugue II

Fugue II

by David Lee

Composed by: J S Bach

From book 1 of the 48 preludes and fugues

By its very nature the music of J S Bach lends itself very well to computerisation. This fugue from the 48 Preludes and Fugues is no exception.

I include 3 variations on the harpsichord sound: harpconc4, harps and harps4. See which you prefer by changing the 'mix' word. There is also metclick which tries to add that mechanical sound of a real harpsichord (see part4a), what do you think?

For those interested in fugues, modify the PLAY command in the RUN word to include part9 (i.e. "12349-abcde"PLAY).

This will display a little 'ditty' I learnt as an aid to identifying the fugue's main theme.

(If you include part9, don't RUN from within the Mixing Desk as it makes a mess of the screen!)

The weird harmony in the middle is as Bach wrote it! (See part2c and part3c.)

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