Update – changes / corrections / comments

This section is a focus for news about the workings of AMPLINEX, corrections to items in previous issues, and other small items of information which might otherwise be missed amongst the details of each issue.

Software Updates

Our correspondence on obtaining free software upgrades from Hybrid Technology continues. Following his comments in AMPLINEX 019, and Allan Gardner's reply in AMPLINEX 020, we have received the following contribution from Ian Waugh:

Allan Gardner's comments about Hybrid's free software updates were interesting but I still feel that if all users upgraded, the compatibility problem would cease.

While Hybrid may not always have had a policy of free upgrades (I don't know about this as I haven't asked them), free updates have certainly been available for a couple of years now. Old policy is no reason for pursuing unnecessary modifications.

Like Allan, I would have been miffed if I'd been asked to pay another fiver for a upgrade to 2-day old software. But I've not heard Hybrid's side of this story.

The free upgrades have been well publicised in AMPLINEX and Acorn User (and mentioned in The Micro User and BeeBug, too). As my original comments were directed specifically to AMPLINEX members I can't believe that the vast majority were not aware of the upgrades.

Ideally, all upgrades should be 100% downwardly compatible but it's not an ideal world and when advances are made this is not always possible. But, again, the problem could be solved if both programmers and users upgraded. It's not as if every new release is incompatible with its predecessor. I reckon most releases over the past year (however many or few there may have been) will be compatible. You don't have to upgrade every three months!

As a writer I suppose it behoves Hybrid to keep me informed of new developments and in that way I suppose my relationship with them is 'special'. But I know of many other Hybrid users who have received 'free' support from them, well beyond what I know to be the commercial norm.

I don't think you can blame Hybrid for not mailing all users to tell them about the free upgrade. It may be free to you but it costs them money. As mentioned, it has been well enough publicised for anyone wanting to take advantage of it to do so.

Suggesting that the answer is NOT for users to upgrade but for those with the expertise to solve problems arising is like suggesting that you turn down a manufacturer's offer to trade in your old car for a new one, preferring to keep you local garage busy with 3,000 mile services!

If you want to know about compatibility and latest version numbers, perhaps it might be an idea to get in touch with Hybrid and ask them.

Using MIDIBEND on the Roland D110

Hybrid Technology have replied to Roger Sapolsky's feature in AMPLINEX 020 in which he commented:

(I) have tried using the MIDIBEND instruction on a Roland D110 . . . and have found the information given in the Music 2000 User Guide . . . is too brief, and is in some cases misleading.

Consider for instance 'sb' at the top of page 43. The score following it will not play a D unless the 'Bender Range' . . . of the instrument is set at 8.

In the comments for the word 'gl' (page 44) it is not said that a negative sign should be placed before the number of steps to play a down slide - an explanation of this would have saved me a lot of time.

Hybrid Technology note:

On the contrary, the need to set 'Bender range' (an uncalibrated MIDI variable) is described in the very listing of 'sb', and explained in the facing page.

On the contrary, the comment on the fourth line of 'gl' indicates that negative numbers ARE handled.

Musical Dice in Acorn User

In the Hints and Tips section of AMPLINEX 020 we published a hint from Alan Minns to overcome problems with Ian Waugh's Musical Dice program on the Acorn User monthly disc.

Unfortunately, we made an error during the compilation of the AMPLINEX disc: in line 30 of his program, &30 00 should read &3000. We're sorry for any problems this may have caused.

We always welcome suggestions for improvements in the workings or contents of AMPLINEX - most of the changes made to date have originated from members' suggestions. So, if you have an idea to improve AMPLINEX, let us know.

Also, please let us know if you spot an error or omission in the content of AMPLINEX - you may be the first one who has noticed.