The Genesis John Equation

Original Document Available Here

Two Additional Equations Found in First Two Verses of Genesis and Gospel of John Calculate Interactively to Produce Pi to 8 Decimal Places While Tied to Value of 3168.

Two equations based on Genesis 1:1 and Gospel of John 1:1 that calculate approximations of pi and Euler's number were found in the 1990's(?) by four gentlemen from the UK: Craig Paardekooper, Peter Bluer, Bevan Williams, and Vernon Jenkins. Detailed articles about the two equations can be read here:

and here:

There are two more intriguing pi equations to be found in Genesis 1:2 (second sentence) and Gospel of John 1:1-2. The equations are the same basic equation form as previously defined, but are unique in that they will calculate interactively with each other to define pi to 8 place accuracy, about 2.6 parts in ten billion error.

Anyone reading this who is not familiar with the alphanumeric nature of ancient Hebrew and Greek, and specifically the two equations mentioned, should read the two links above. Be aware these equations only work with the oldest original Hebrew and Greek text. Incidentally, my understanding is that the Hebrew alphabet did not have numeric values assigned during the time period Genesis was written.

Until we gained access to computers, knew the precise value of pi, and Euler's number was calculated in the 1600's, mankind's knowledge of the equations' existence would appear highly unlikely.

The basic equation form is:

((the product of the letters)) x (the number of letters)) / ((the product of the words) x (the number of words)) =

I use Preccalc (Precise Calculator) ( which is available online for free download. Most of the equations in this paper can be cut/paste directly into Precise Calculator.

Note that I use scientific notation but routinely drop the extra decimal places. It may seem strange, and violates our human rules of mathematics, but the additional decimal places are not part of the calculations. If the extra decimal places have any significance I have yet to find them.

Also, I will use + and – signs to specify whether a number (or error %) is above or below pi (or e) rather than above or below zero.

I normally worked at 30 place accuracy. But for easier reading, I usually show values at no more than 20 place accuracy. page 1

All of my English language Bible quotes are from the English Standard Version.

For reference, the original two equations previously discovered are:

Equation 1

Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.“

Original Hebrew:

בראשית ברא אלהים את השמים ואת הארץ

(28 letters and 7 words, gematria value 2701= 37 x 73)

(((90*200*1*5*400*1*6*40*10*40*300*5*400*1*40*10*5*30*1*1*200*2*400*10*300*1*200*2)*28)/((296*407*395*401*86*203*913)*7) =

3.141554508 E+17 error -0.001214% For perspective, the error is equivalent to -64.1 ft (-769.2 inches) over 1000 miles.

Equation 2

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Original Greek:

Εν αρχηι ην ο λογος και ο λογος ην προς τον θεον, και θεος ην ο λογος

(52 Letters and 17 words, gematria value 3627=39 x 93)

((5*50)*(1*100*600*8*10)*(8*50)*(70)*(30*70*3*70*200)*(20*1*10)*(70)*(30*70*3*70*200)*(8*50)*(80*100*70*200)*(300*70*50)*(9*5*70*50)*(20*1*10)*(9*5*70*200)*(8*50)*(70)*(30*70*3*70*200)*52) / ((55*719*58*70*373*31*70*373*58*450*420*134*31*284*58*70*373)*17) =

2.718312812 E+40 Error of +0.00114%, or +60.2 feet (+722.2 inches) per 1000 miles

The argument that these two verses are simply a fluke and that the basic equation form is arbitrary becomes untenable when the next two equations are introduced.

These two new equations found in Genesis 1:2 (second sentence) and John 1:1-2 calculate interactively with each other to define pi to 8 place accuracy. These equations are quite different from the two equations found in the 1990's in that their answers are approximately equal to (pi*pi) and (pi*pi)/2. This creates the possibility of multiple possible paired solutions.

There appears there may be at least 4 additional equations. The last two are from Genesis 1:4 and John 1:5. They are of the same form as the two I will be discussing from Genesis 1:2 and John 1:1-2. While they share common numeric patterns with the others I have so far not found significant numbers from them. For now my focus is the two equations from Genesis 1:2 and John 1:1-2.

I have read several articles based entirely on the plain text that speculate about a connection

page 2

between And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.” found in Genesis

1:2 and the New Testament accounts of Jesus walking on the water, which is discussed in 3 of the 4 gospels. This next equation offers further evidence of this connection.

These two verses were written in different languages and ages apart, but the equations calculate interactively with each other to define pi to 8 decimal place accuracy. In terms of error it is 0.0165 inches per 1000 miles comparatively. This is about 0.002% of the error from the first two equations, or better than 1/45,000 of the original error.

The two new equations are:

Equation 3

Genesis 1:2 second sentence “And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters .” Gematria of the second sentence of Genesis 1:2 in Hebrew is 37 x 37 = 1369. There are 23 letters and 6 words.

Original Hebrew:

ורוח אלהים מרחפת על פני המים

(((8*6*200*6*40*10*5*30*1*400*80*8*200*40*30*70*10*50*80*40*10*40*5)*23)/((220*86*728*100*140*95)*6) = 9.952802644112313635 E+18

Drop the E+18 and the answer is fairly close to pi*pi.

The square root of 9.952802644112313635 = 3.1548062767961384977, a rough approximation of pi. But another solution is :

9.952802644112313635/pi= 3.168075476857121406 E+0

The first 4 digits catch my eye because 3168 is the gematria value (Greek) for Lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus said that he is the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last. Along this line of thought I noticed several curious equations that as far as I have researched are unique to Genesis 1:2 (second sentence). They are:

Equation 3B

(Sum of First letters of each word / Sum of Last letters of each word) * Number of words =

(8+40+400+30+10+40)/(6+1+40+70+80+5)*6 = 15.683168316831683168...

Or very similar: page 3

Equation 3C

(8+40+400+30+10+40)/(6+1+40+70+80+5)+6= 8.6138613861386138613....

Interestingly, the second equation is 3.16831683168... backwards.

By normal rules for repeating decimals we have repeating decimals 6831 and 8613. Neither appear significant in the Genesis 1:2 main equation. Casting a wider net, I tested all combinations of 6, 8, 3, and 1. The only value that produces a close approximation of pi (or any significant number I recognized) is 3168.

Consider that these first/last equations may also be paired values.

Consider this last mentioned equation divided by Euler's number:

Equation 3D

((8+40+400+30+10+40)/(6+1+40+70+80+5)+6))/exp 1= 3.1688625130609388098

Similar to the primary Genesis 1:2 equation divided by pi, the first 4 digits are 3168.

Notice what happens in this calculation:

Equation 3E

((Sum First letters / Sum Last letters ) + Number of words)/ 3.168316831683168... =

((8+40+400+30+10+40)/(6+1+40+70+80+5)+6))/3.16831683168...= 2.7187500000...

2.718750000000 = 783/288=87/32

This is Euler's number with error of 0.017223%, but it is an exact match for Binary Half-Precision Euler's number.

So with this chain of hints I am comfortable saying the correct primary pair for the Genesis 1:2 equation is Equation 3F:

9.9528026441123136349574538069/3168= 3.1416675012980787989 error +0.002382% or 125.8 ft (1509.54 inches) per 1000 miles. This is roughly twice the error we found in either of the initially found Genesis 1:1 and John 1:2 equations. However, this number will prove to be critical in calculating pi to 8 decimal place accuracy.

Note that 3168 is the optimum 4 digit number in reference to pi approximation accuracy. 3167 or 3169 both produce less accurate pi approximations.

page 4

Again, 3168 is the only combination of 3, 1, 6, and 8 that produces the closest possible pi

approximation and aligns the best with the unique process that will follow. 3168 is the gematria value in Greek for Lord Jesus Christ. The equation places 3168 in the second verse in the Bible, as is stated in John 1:2 “He was in the beginning with God.

From the New Testament we have:

Equation 4

Gospel of John 1:1-2In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God.

Gematria of John 1:1-2 is 6503 = 7 x 929. In the Bible 7 often represents completion or divine fulfillment. The Old Testament contains 929 chapters. 77 letters and 24 words.

Original Greek:

Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος, καὶ ὁ λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν Θεόν, καὶ Θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος. οὗτος ἦν ἐν ἀρχῇ πρὸς τὸν Θεόν.

(((((5*50*1*100*600*8*10*8*50*70*30*70*3*70*200*20*1*10*70*30*70*3*70*200*8*50*80*100*70*200*300*70*50*9*5*70*50*20*1*10*9*5*70*200*8*50*70*30*70*3*70*200*70*400*300*70*200*8*50*5*50*1*100*600*8*10*80*100*70*200*300*70*50*9*5*70*50)*77)/((55*719*58*70*373*31*70*373*58*450*420*134*31*284*58*70*373*1040*58*55*719*450*420*134)*24)))= 4.9344802718424652647 E+65

Drop the E+65 and this is very close to (pi*pi)/2. As before, there are at least two possible pair solutions.

The square root solution:

(4.9344802718424652647 *2)^.5 =3.1414901788299339723 error 0.0032619% or 172.2 feet (2066.7 inches) per 1000 miles.

Also, another pair solution is (3168 * 3.1152021918197381721429545608)

There is a most unique repetitive interactive process between the 2 equations Genesis 1:2 (second sentence) and John 1:1-2, that will produce a pi value of 8 decimal place accuracy, -0.0000000260886% error, or 0.0165 inches over 1000 miles.

This will initially seem confusing so I will describe the process and then show calculations in Appendix A.

page 5

The first sequence of calculations can begin with either the Genesis 1: 2 or the John 1:1-2 equation and any number. I will arbitrarily choose Genesis 1:2 equation and the number 3.154920000000 to begin. I picked this number because I know it is about 6-9 sequences from completion. Depending on the starting number there could be many sequences to fully resolve the answer.

The process is as follows:

1. Find the first number pair by dividing the Genesis 1:2 equation by 3.154920000000

and calculate an answer from the equation. This is the first pair.

2. Average the pair.

3. This calculated average will be the input value for the John 1:1-2 equation. Use it as the

divisor for the John 1:1-2 equation.

4. Calculate the answer. The answer will be the divisor to begin sequence 2 on the Genesis

1:2 equation. Note that the Genesis number pairs are averaged, and the John 1:1-2

equation values are not averaged until the number is fully resolved.

5. In this example at sequence 8 the pair average is resolved. No matter what number you

start with, eventually you will resolve to a Genesis 1:2 Pair Average of

3.15492013063651. Repeating the calculation beyond this point will return the same

number repeatedly.

6. At this point we will deviate from the pattern. Instead of entering the pair average into the

John 1:2 equation, reenter 3.15492013063651 into the Genesis 1:2 equation as the

divisor to find the matching pair value.

7. Take the second pair value 3.15469242706449 and enter into the John 1:1-2 equation.

Sequence Number

Genesis 1:2 Pair Average

John 1:1-2 Answer



3.12823028464859 E+65



3.12811835301136 E+65






3.12811739608501 E+65



3.12811739601653 E+65



3.12811739601594 E+65







Sequence 7 Genesis 1:2 2nd Pair value



The final answer after sequence 8 produced by the John 1:1-2 equation is: page 6

3.14151780424231 –0.00238252872% or -1509.57 inches per 1000 miles.

Does this error of –0.002382529% or 1509.57 inches per 1000 miles. look familiar?

This number is extremely close to the mirror opposite error of the Genesis 1:2 3.14166750129807879891 pi best approximation, error +0.002382475% or +1509.54 inches per 1000 miles.

For lack of a better term, the John 1:1-2 equation outputs to 8 decimal place accuracy the mirror reflection of the approximate pi value found in Genesis 1:2 equation 3F, which is paired with the number 3168, Greek gematria value of Lord Jesus Christ.

When the two values are averaged together:

Equation 5 (Average of Genesis 1:2 pi value and John 1:1-2 resolved output value )

(3.14151780424231+3.141667501298079)/2= 3.14159265277019 error -0.000000026088781355091% or comparative error of -0.01653 inches per 1000 miles, equivalent to about 4 sheets of notebook paper in thickness per 1000 miles.

This eliminates over 99.997% of the error associated with the Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1 original equations. If the other matched pair value had been used a 5 decimal place accuracy value with a comparative error of 9.7 inches per 1000 miles would have resulted.

I find the interactive relationship between Genesis 1:2 and John 1:1-2 to be most compelling.

The only way to change the calculated values is to change the letters and words of the scripture, something only the original author could do. Some equation experimentation will illustrate that changing a letter and matching word value by only 1 will produce wide numerical swings, moving the calculated answer far from pi.

Let us consider statistical odds of this occurrence. When I first found that 3168 is paired with 3.141667501298, I only saw 3.141667501298 as a decent approximation of pi, having no idea of its actual significance. But I understood the significance of 3168. The odds of a 4 digit number being 3168 is 1/10 * 1/10 * 1/10 * 1/10 = 1/10,000, a 1 in 10,000 chance that 3168 would produce the optimum pi value approximation as a pair. Then we have the resolved mirror value of 3.14151780424231 that averages with 3.141667501298 to produce 3.14159265277019. That is 9 correct digits. The odds of that should be:

1/10 * 1/10 * 1/10 * 1/10 * 1/10 * 1/10 * 1/10 * 1/10 * 1/10 = 1/1,000,000,000, which is a one in a billion chance of obtaining a 8 decimal place accuracy pi value.

The odds of both occurrences happening together:

page 7

1/10,000 * 1/1,000,000,000 = 1/10,000,000,000,000. That is a 1 in 10 trillion chance that all this could calculate by chance.

I have a previous version of this paper that find 6 decimal place accuracy with a slightly different process. That process produced some interesting matching ratios and associated equations. Considering what I have found here joined with various mathematical findings of other people, I realize that under the surface of the text is a tapestry of interrelated mathematical threads running in various directions throughout the scripture.

Stephen White

Last update December 31, 2021

Appendix A

Note: Ignore all E+65, E+18, etc

Sequence 1

((8*6*200*6*40*10*5*30*1*400*80*8*200*40*30*70*10*50*80*40*10*40*5)*23)/((220*86*728*100*140*95)*6)/3.15492000000000= 3.15469255769158

(3.15492000000000+3.15469255769158 )/(2)= 3.15480627884579

(((((5*50*1*100*600*8*10*8*50*70*30*70*3*70*200*20*1*10*70*30*70*3*70*200*8*50*80*100*70*200*300*70*50*9*5*70*50*20*1*10*9*5*70*200*8*50*70*30*70*3*70*200*70*400*300*70*200*8*50*5*50*1*100*600*8*10*80*100*70*200*300*70*50*9*5*70*50)*77)/((55*719*58*70*373*31*70*373*58*450*420*134*31*284*58*70*373*1040*58*55*719*450*420*134)*24)*2))/3.15480627884579= 3.12823028464859 E+65

Sequence 2

((8*6*200*6*40*10*5*30*1*400*80*8*200*40*30*70*10*50*80*40*10*40*5)*23)/((220*86*728*100*140*95)*6)/3.12823028464859= 3.18160804623447 E+18

(3.12823028464859+3.18160804623447 )/(2) = 3.15491916544153

(((((5*50*1*100*600*8*10*8*50*70*30*70*3*70*200*20*1*10*70*30*70*3*70*200*8*50*80*100*70*200*300*70*50*9*5*70*50*20*1*10*9*5*70*200*8*50*70*30*70*3*70*200*70*400*300*70*200*8*50*5*50*1*100*600*8*10*80*100*70*200*300*70*50*9*5*70*50)*77)/((55*719*58*70*373*31*70*373*58*450*420*134*31*284*58*70*373*1040*58*55*719*450*420*134)*24)*2))/3.15491916544153= 3.12811835301136 E+65

Sequence 3

((8*6*200*6*40*10*5*30*1*400*80*8*200*40*30*70*10*50*80*40*10*40*5)*23)/((220*86*728*100*140*95)*6)/3.12811835301136= 3.18172189186224 E+18

(3.12811835301136+3.18172189186224 )/(2)= 3.1549201224368

(((((5*50*1*100*600*8*10*8*50*70*30*70*3*70*200*20*1*10*70*30*70*3*70*200*8*50*80*100*70*200*300*70*50*9*5*70*50*20*1*10*9*5*70*200*8*50*70*30*70*3*70*200*70*400*300*70*200*8*50*5*50*1*100*600*8*10*80*100*70*200*300*70*50*9*5*70*50)*77)/((55*719*58*70*373*31*70*373*58*450*420*134*31*284*58*70*373*1040*58*55*719*450*420*134)*24)*2))/3.1549201224368= 3.12811740414598 E+65

Sequence 4

((8*6*200*6*40*10*5*30*1*400*80*8*200*40*30*70*10*50*80*40*10*40*5)*23)/((220*86*728*100*140*95)*6)/3.12811740414598= 3.18172285698771 E+18

(3.12811740414598+3.18172285698771 )/(2)= 3.15492013056684

page 9

(((((5*50*1*100*600*8*10*8*50*70*30*70*3*70*200*20*1*10*70*30*70*3*70*200*8*50*80*100*70*200*300*70*50*9*5*70*50*20*1*10*9*5*70*200*8*50*70*30*70*3*70*200*70*400*300*70*200*8*50*5*50*1*100*600*8*10*80*100*70*200*300*70*50*9*5*70*50)*77)/((55*719*58*70*373*31*70*373*58*450*420*134*31*284*58*70*373*1040*58*55*719*450*420*134)*24)*2))/3.15492013056684= 3.12811739608501 E+65

Sequence 5

((8*6*200*6*40*10*5*30*1*400*80*8*200*40*30*70*10*50*80*40*10*40*5)*23)/((220*86*728*100*140*95)*6)/3.12811739608501= 3.18172286518681 E+18

(3.12811739608501+3.18172286518681 )/(2)= 3.15492013063591 E+0

(((((5*50*1*100*600*8*10*8*50*70*30*70*3*70*200*20*1*10*70*30*70*3*70*200*8*50*80*100*70*200*300*70*50*9*5*70*50*20*1*10*9*5*70*200*8*50*70*30*70*3*70*200*70*400*300*70*200*8*50*5*50*1*100*600*8*10*80*100*70*200*300*70*50*9*5*70*50)*77)/((55*719*58*70*373*31*70*373*58*450*420*134*31*284*58*70*373*1040*58*55*719*450*420*134)*24)*2))/3.15492013063591 E+0= 3.12811739601653 E+65

Sequence 6

((8*6*200*6*40*10*5*30*1*400*80*8*200*40*30*70*10*50*80*40*10*40*5)*23)/((220*86*728*100*140*95)*6)/ 3.12811739601653= 3.18172286525647 E+18

( 3.12811739601653+3.18172286525647 )/(2)= 3.1549201306365 E+0

(((((5*50*1*100*600*8*10*8*50*70*30*70*3*70*200*20*1*10*70*30*70*3*70*200*8*50*80*100*70*200*300*70*50*9*5*70*50*20*1*10*9*5*70*200*8*50*70*30*70*3*70*200*70*400*300*70*200*8*50*5*50*1*100*600*8*10*80*100*70*200*300*70*50*9*5*70*50)*77)/((55*719*58*70*373*31*70*373*58*450*420*134*31*284*58*70*373*1040*58*55*719*450*420*134)*24)*2))/3.1549201306365 E+0= 3.12811739601594 E+65

Sequence 7

((8*6*200*6*40*10*5*30*1*400*80*8*200*40*30*70*10*50*80*40*10*40*5)*23)/((220*86*728*100*140*95)*6)/ 3.12811739601594= 3.18172286525707 E+18

( 3.12811739601594 +3.18172286525707 )/(2)= 3.15492013063651

(((((5*50*1*100*600*8*10*8*50*70*30*70*3*70*200*20*1*10*70*30*70*3*70*200*8*50*80*100*70*200*300*70*50*9*5*70*50*20*1*10*9*5*70*200*8*50*70*30*70*3*70*200*70*400*300*70*200*8*50*5*50*1*100*600*8*10*80*100*70*200*300*70*50*9*5*70*50)*77)/((55*719*58*70*373*31*70*373*58*450*420*134*31*284*58*70*373*1040*58*55*719*450*420*134)*24)*2))/3.15492013063651 E+0= 3.12811739601593 E+65

Sequence 8

((8*6*200*6*40*10*5*30*1*400*80*8*200*40*30*70*10*50*80*40*10*40*5)*23)/((220*86*728*100*140*95)*6)/3.12811739601593= 3.18172286525708 E+18

(3.12811739601593+ 3.18172286525708 )/2= 3.15492013063651 page 10

return to Genesis1:2 =>

((8*6*200*6*40*10*5*30*1*400*80*8*200*40*30*70*10*50*80*40*10*40*5)*23)/((220*86*728*100*140*95)*6)/3.15492013063651= 3.15469242706449

(((((5*50*1*100*600*8*10*8*50*70*30*70*3*70*200*20*1*10*70*30*70*3*70*200*8*50*80*100*70*200*300*70*50*9*5*70*50*20*1*10*9*5*70*200*8*50*70*30*70*3*70*200*70*400*300*70*200*8*50*5*50*1*100*600*8*10*80*100*70*200*300*70*50*9*5*70*50)*77)/((55*719*58*70*373*31*70*373*58*450*420*134*31*284*58*70*373*1040*58*55*719*450*420*134)*24)*2))/3.15469242706449= 3.12834318142013 E+65

(3.15469242706449+ 3.12834318142013 )/2= 3.14151780424231

Average with Genesis 1:2 mirror value paired with 3168:

(3.14151780424231+3.141667501298079 )/2= 3.14159265277019

-0.00000000026088781355091 absolute error, or comparative error of -0.01653 inches per 1000 miles.