7th place of pi


Hello John,

When I upgraded my computer I lost all my old emails. I think its been well over a year since we spoke. I haven't had time to do much with gematria in awhile. The reason for the email is I thought you would be interested to know that in the past week I stumbled on a highly accurate calculation of Pi based on standard gematria found in Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 second sentence only. I have not had time to write anything up. I know you are familiar with the Genesis 1:1 and John 1: 1 equation for Pi and e. I recall I emailed you discussing a slightly less accurate value for Pi and the value 3168 Lord Jesus Christ using the same equation that I found in Genesis 1:2. A article I read recently about Jesus walking on the water in the storm, and comparing that to "The spirit of God hovered over the face of the waters." from Genesis 1:2 made me start thinking more about it.

What took me almost two years to realize was how to apply these two Pi values together. Alone they have errors of about -0.0012% and +0.0024%. Good accuracy but not awesome. When they are averaged together using a weighted average based in the standard gematria values for the text over 99.9% of the error is eliminated! New error is about 0.00000068%

To put it in perspective, over a thousand mile distance the error is reduced from about 63 feet (from original Genesis 1:1 calculation) to about 7/16 inch using the weighted average method.

Here is the calculation:

(((2701*3.141554507831099791)+(1369*3.1416675012980787989))/(4070)) =


By adding the number of letters to the gematria value the accuracy is further increased:

((((2701+28)*3.141554507831099791)+((1369+23)*3.1416675012980787989))/(4121)) = 3.141592675

2701 = Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

1369 = Genesis 1:2 And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

Stephen White's invitation:

Genesis and Gospel of John Mathematically linked by Pi

to Accuracy of 99.99999998%

There has been an equation available on the internet for quite a few years that defines a fairly accurate value of Pi from Genesis 1:1 and Euler's Number from John 1:1. It is of the form:

((the product of the letters)) x (the number of letters) / ( (the product of the words) x (the number of the words)).

A good link to the Genesis 1:1 calculation is http://www.whatabeginning.com/ASPECTS/Pi_evaluation.htm and .http://www.whatabeginning.com/Misc/Griffioen.pdf

The Pi in Genesis 1:1 calculates to 3.141554 x 10E17, an error of 0.0012%, or stated another way 99.9988% accurate. To put that in perspective, in a 1000 mile distance that is an error of about 64.1 feet. Considering that came from 7 Hebrew words “בְּרֵאשִׁית בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים אֵת הַשָּׁמַיִם וְאֵת הָאָרֶץ " (In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth.) it is quite good. It is well above the known historical accuracy of Pi for the time period.

The primary arguments against it was that the equations were arbitrary and the answers were flukes.

Genesis 1:2 is two sentences. The second sentence ; “And the spirit of God hovered over the face of the waters” has a gematria value of 1369 = 37 x 37.

When the same equation is applied to this text the equation reads:

Second sentence of Genesis 1:2

וְרוּחַ אֱלֹהִים מְרַחֶפֶת עַל פְּנֵי הַמָּיִם

of the waters the face on moved of God And the Spirit

95 140 100 728 86 220

(5 * 40 * 10 * 40 * 80 * 50 * 10 * 70 * 30 * 40 * 200 * 8 * 80 * 400 * 1 * 30 * 5 * 10 * 40 * 6 * 200 * 6 * 8) * 23)/((95 * 140 * 100 * 728 * 86 * 220) * 6))

= 9.952802644 E+18

That answer doesn't look significant until one realizes it is the product of two significant numbers. This pattern will repeat itself again.

If you take the square root of the answer you get a value of 3.1548 which is Pi with a relatively high error of 0.4%. But the best approximation of Pi that can be achieved from this number is to divide it by 3168. That produces a value of Pi of 3.14166750 , (error 0+.00238%) In the time period Genesis was written 3168 would have had no significance. But in the years after the crucifixion of Jesus 3168 became one of the best best know gematria values from New Testament Greek. That is 800+888+1480 = 3168 = Lord Jesus Christ. I believe the following calculations will show that this calculation is no fluke.

I didn't grasp the significance of this equation until I read an article https://ericincontext.wordpress.com/2015/08/26/three-things-you-missed-when-jesus-walked-on-water-part-2/ written by a Christian pastor that discussed the similarities between the biblical accounts of Jesus walking on water and and the second sentence of Genesis 1:2 “And the spirit of God hovered over the face of the waters”. The question being, whose spirit hovered over the waters?

There is a verse : Ezekiel 17:2 “Son of man, propound a riddle, and speak a parable to the house of Israel.”. I felt there was more to this riddle concerning Jesus and Pi.

The equation previously mentioned from John 1:1 defining Euler's number peaked my interest in the Gospel of John.

That equation, originally published by a Mr. Vernon Jenkins is:

((5 * 50 * 1 * 100 * 600 * 10 * 8 * 8 * 50 * 70 * 30 * 70 * 3 * 70 * 200 * 20 * 1 * 10 * 70 * 30 * 70 * 3 * 70 * 200 * 8 * 50 * 80 * 100 * 70 * 200 * 300 * 70 * 50 * 9 * 5 * 70 * 50 * 20 * 1 * 10 * 9 * 5 * 70 * 200 * 8 * 50 * 70 * 30 * 70 * 3 * 70 * 200) * 52) / ((55 * 719 * 58 * 70 * 373 * 31 * 70 * 373 * 58 * 450 * 420 * 134 * 31 * 284 * 58 * 70 * 373) * 17) = 2.71831 E+40 error +.00114%

This equation is not involved in the next calculations. It seems to be a watermark of divinity. Euler's number, a dimensionless constant like Pi, was not discovered until the 1600's, over 1500 years after the Gospel of John was written.

I noticed that the first two verses of John read like one verse.

John1:1-2, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God “.

Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ Λόγος, καὶ ὁ Λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν Θεόν, καὶ Θεὸς ἦν ὁ Λόγος. Οὗτος ἦν ἐν ἀρχῇ πρὸς τὸν Θεόν.

They are obviously paired. So I applied this equation to both combined verses and calculated:

((5 * 50 * 1 * 100 * 600 * 10 * 8 * 8 * 50 * 70 * 30 * 70 * 3 * 70 * 200 * 20 * 1 * 10 * 70 * 30 * 70 * 3 * 70 * 200 * 8 * 50 * 80 * 100 * 70 * 200 * 300 * 70 * 50 * 9 * 5 * 70 * 50 * 20 * 1 * 10 * 9 * 5 * 70 * 200 * 8 * 50 * 70 * 30 * 70 * 3 * 70 * 200 * 70 * 400 * 300 * 70 * 200 * 8 * 50 * 5 * 50 * 1 * 100 * 600 * 8 * 10 * 80 * 100 * 70 * 200 * 300 * 70 * 50 * 9 * 5 * 70 * 50) * 77) / ((55 * 719 * 58 * 70 * 373 * 31 * 70 * 373 * 58 * 450 * 420 * 134 * 31 * 284 * 58 * 70 * 373 * 1040 * 58 * 55 * 719 * 450 * 420 * 134) * 24) = 4.93448027184247 E+65

The answer is approximately equivalent to Pi squared/2. That produces a Pi value of 3.1414901788299 error 0.00326%

It would be another two years before I realized how these equations are connected.

The standard gematria value of Genesis 1:1 is 2701 =37 x 73. The gematria value of the second sentence of Genesis 1:2: “The spirit of God hovered over the face of the waters.” is 1369 = 37 x 37. 1369/2701 equals 37/73.

I have read in various places that early church fathers associated the number 37 with Christ. I don't know why. You may be familiar with the shroud of Turin and the controversy as to whether it is real or a forgery. If it is a 14th century forgery the forger knew about the number 37 and its mirror 73. Take a look a the image of the face (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shroud_of_Turin ) and depending on the view, you can see a 3 and backwards 7 (or visa versa) in the blood stains on the forehead.

So from all that came an idea. What if I I calculated a weighted average of Pi based on the gematria values of the verses?

The equation for the first two Pi values from Genesis like this:

(((2701 * 3.141554507831099791)+(1369 * 3.1416675012980787989))/(4070)) = 3.141592515 (compare to true Pi= 3.141592654...)

Now the error is 0.00000442%. Across a 1000 mile distance that is an error of 2.8 inches. That is 1/274 the error of the first Genesis 1:1 Pi value, which was already better than the most accurate estimate of Pi known at the time.

John 1:1-2 has a gematria value of 6503 = 7 x 929. There are 929 chapters in the Hebrew bible (Old Testament). This chapter numbering system was not created until the middle ages. This 7 x 929 value offers a hint of how the Pi values of Genesis and John are connected. The gematria ratio weighting concept used to solve for the precision Pi value in Genesis does not work when applied to Genesis and Gospel of John Pi values.

What exists between Genesis and John is a vast expanse of time, at least to the human mind. I don't know the origin of this statement, but I have seen references stating that many early Church fathers saw in the number 1,000, “the totality of the generations and the perfection of the life.” It is used over 500 times in the bible to symbolically represent vast amounts of time and multitudes.

So if we set up an equation for a weighted average of the Genesis 1:1-2 Pi value and the John 1:1-2 Pi value, with 1000 substituted for the actual gematria value of John 1:1-2 it looks like this:

(((((1369 * 3.141667501298078798913337691))+((1000 * 3.141490177659867945)))/(1369+1000)) = 3.141592649 error -0.000001265%

This is accuracy of 99.99999998%, 7 decimal places. Over a thousand mile distance this is an error of 0.080 inch. Precise indeed. It is 1/9600 the error of the original Genesis 1:1 equation. As before, this equation is optimum. The only way to increase the accuracy is to use fractions. Changing 1000 to 999.9 reduces the error in 1000 miles down to 0.007 inch.

Chinese mathematicians were able to achieve 7 decimal place accuracy of Pi by the 5th century, many hundreds of years to late to influence the writers of this text. Genesis was written likely well over 1000 years before 3168 was known to be the numerical Greek value for Lord Jesus Christ. Eulers number was not known for over 1500 years after the Gospel of John was written.

At this point I don't believe the fluke argument warrants consideration.

I think serious discussion has to be how and why is Pi is encoded in these verses and what is the significance.

Stephen White