Professional Learning Opportunities 

The School-Based Mental Health and Wellness Program offers Professional Learning Opportunities through in-person support as well as online classes via Zoom. We have partnered with pioneers in the field of supporting school and families, and we are excited to offer opportunities for educators in Siskiyou County to engage with resources from these research-based intervention and prevention programs. Please reach out to us at to sign up!

Aperture Education

The Aperture Education program is our social-emotional strengths-based universal screener and curriculum for early childhood through high school. Many schools in Siskiyou County are using Aperture as a way to determine their areas of success as well as growth when it comes to SEL, as well as accessing curriculum designed to address the unique needs of their student population. Teachers can rate students on 8 areas of SEL competency, and students 6th grade and up can provide self-ratings. 

 Contentment Foundation 

From the Contentment Foundation, we bring you the Four Pillars of Wellbeing: Mindfulness, Community, Self-Curiosity, and Contentment & Balance.  Through our seasonal professional learning series, educators in Siskiyou County have a chance to engage with this world-class program, sponsored by UC Berkeley and dedicated to the well-being of humans everywhere. 

KidPower International

KidPower is the global nonprofit leader in personal safety education for all ages, teaching skills for strong relationships and the prevention of harm. The SBMHW program offers sessions for both parents and educators to equip children's advocates with cutting edge and research-based strategies to reach and teach all people about staying connected with their support networks and using mindful discernment when navigating the modern world, both online and "irl." 

CalHOPE Schools

CalHOPE Schools is providing a no-cost initiative of HOPE to California Schools through meaningful and heart-warming short films for educators and students, as well as other resources such as Together for Wellness and the Hope & Justice Art Challenge. If you work in schools as an educator, click on the CalHOPE link to register and gain a unique access code that will get you into the 3 main programs, each a series of short films for professional and personal development. 

A Trusted Space Angst Stories of Hope: SHORTS 

Check out the workshops and classes below offered by First 5 Siskiyou, designed for parents and caregivers.

(Click on the purple Siskiyou First 5 link to access the "Imagination Library.")