School-Based Mental Health and Wellness Program 

The School-Based Mental Health and Wellness Program (SBMHW) is a new grant-funded program dedicated to providing services, resources and support focused on mental health and wellness across the school communities throughout Siskiyou County.  SCOE’s School-Based Mental Health and Wellness Program will partner with schools, parents, families and other organizations serving youth to:

Social Emotional Learning in Siskiyou County Schools 

SEL In Action.mp4

If you did not find the assistance you needed or if you would like further assistance in finding an intervention for your child or student, refer them to the School Based Mental Health and Wellness Program of Siskiyou County Office of Education. We are happy to assist you. 

Family Weekly Calendar

Click on each event picture in the flyer to be routed to the events website or flyer. 


Educator Weekly Calendar

Click on each event picture in the flyer to be routed to the events website or flyer. 
