
Project Ideation

1- Tell us about the purpose of your project. Which problem does it solve? Why do you care about this? What were you inspired by? Include images and videos of similar projects

Quite book

As a mother of 5 different-aged kids, I am personally concerned about their mental and psychological health. Therefore, tens of mothers have been interviewed and asked what is the most difficult challenge they are facing with their young kids, guess what was the answer? My kid is spending too much time in front of smartphones TVs and other screens. Advanced scientific studies have proven that spending too much screen time can hurt the kid's brain, focus, and eyesight and causes hyperactivity syndrome. Fortunately, reading and dealing with interactive books will be a good alternative to long screen time.

Rafeeq is an innovative interactive quite book that uses electronic components to bring your kid an inclusive reading experience and bring his engagement with the story or the activity to levels like never before.

Rafeeq will help your child to get to know new words, develop their linguistic skills and spark your child's imagination and love for reading. Even more, Rafeeq will help to develop your child's brain, ability to focus, concentrate and spend more independent time.

2- Describe the project idea and general features. How would it work?

Several electronic components will be embedded in laser-cut felt pages. Some of them will act as input devices, such as touch sensors and play buttons. Others will act as output responses, for example; audio recorded sound, LED ligh,t and sound buzzers.

Quite book

3- Sketch your project: You may use pen and paper or a simple sketching tool like Microsoft Paint or Photoshop

Project Planning

4- Describe the Technical Modules that your project consists of

Construction Parts

  • The casing of the interactive book will be designed as 2.5D plywood 3mm parts using Fusion 360 and fabricated using Laser Cutting.

  • Pages of the interactive book will be designed as 2D felt cloth parts using Fusion 360 and fabricated using Laser Cutting.


(Sensing, Tactile Input, and/or Graphical Input)

  • The interactive book will take input from the reader when some drawings are touched.


(Physical and/or Graphic)

Basic Mode: The interactive book will be read on its own, and when the user touches some drawings or stick some elements words or short sentences will be spoken.

Advanced Mode: An advanced mode can be chosen on the screen of Arduino UNO to select a different language other than Arabic; ie English or French.


An Arduino UNO board will be utilized to sense inputs and generate outputs.

Power Management

The interactive book will be powered using 4 lithium-ion batteries (3.7 V each) packed in one pack. This will keep the child safe away from electricity sources and help the portability of the book to be used in cars and gardens.

5- Create a cardboard prototype of your project, demonstrating the project face as well as internal movements and mechanisms. Include a demo video and photos of the prototype.

The interactive book Raffeq

places of the components

Arduino sockets

A sample text with touchable buttons

An open view of the interactive book

The speaker holes at the back cover

6- Categorize your project’s User Features into: Minimum, Complete, and Nice-to-have features. List the required action and input components per feature.

  • Minimum Features: are the least amount of features that would demonstrate the coverage of all the technical modules and their complete integration

  • Complete Features: are the set of features that will complete your original project objective and vision

  • Nice-to-have Features: are the extra set of features that will make the project cooler, yet they need extra time, effort, and/or resources to finish

Minimum User Features

  • The interactive book reads the text when the book opens.

    • Action: speaker on

    • Sensing: magnetic lock

    • User Input: None

  • Basic Mode: words or short sentences will be spoken when the user touches some drawings or stick some elements

    • Action: speaker on

    • Sensing: touch sensor

    • User Input: Tangible touch sensor

Complete User Features

  • Basic Mode: The text lights up word by word while reading.

    • Action: LED light

    • Sensing: no

    • User Input: no

Nice-to-have User Features

  • An advanced mode can be chosen on the screen of Arduino UNO to select a different language other than Arabic; ie English or French.

    • Action: LCD Screen

    • Sensing: no

    • User Input: Tangible touch sensor

7- What are the project tasks and its time-frame?





Create a Bill of all materials

  • Research and list all components

  • Look up power requirements for all components

  • Calculate power source requirement

Electronics & Programming on a breadboard (Minimum & Complete Features)

  • Feature 1: reads the text when the book opens.

  • Feature 2: words or short sentences will be spoken upon touching

Design Enclosure

  • Create CAD on Fusion 360

  • Create mounting for all components

Fabrication & Integration

  • Fabricate and assemble the enclosure

  • Mount all components

  • Test minimum features

  • Test complete features

8- What are the required electronic components and materials for the project?




Arduino Uno


RAM Electronics

Plywood 3mm

1 sheet

Cupper tape


In House