Week 5 - Journal


Tell us about your assignment's idea for this week. Why do you care about this idea? What inspired you? (Please include images or links to sources of inspiration)

The assignment for this week is to Design, simulate, and build a simple electronic device that performs two actions. The device may serve a need at your home, or just fun to build!


I have inspired by this simple Mini Fan Box.

It is a nice simple fan that can be placed in the office or anywhere else.

Tool Chain

Which software/machines/materials did you use in the assignment? Why?

TinkerCad To simulate and test the circuit before connecting the hardware.

Mini simple fan.

Leds to produce light.

On/off switch for the whole circuit.

Adapter 5v for powering the circuit.

Resistors to limit the current.

Cardboard for enclosure of the electronic components.

Scissors to cut cardboard.

Glue gun for assembly.

Design/Preparation Process

Explain the design and/or preparation process of your assignment. How did you use the tool or software to design and/or prepare your assignment before fabrication/implementation?

Circuit Diagram

Design Steps

  • Connect the led series with a resistor 330ohm to limit the current.

  • Connect the led and resistor parallel to the motor fan (in parallel to give the required voltage to all components).

  • Connect adapter 5v (as the fan doesn't need high voltage power than 5v) wires to the on-off switch and then to the breadboard.

  • Fan and led turn on after setting the on-off button to be in on mode.

  • Test the circuit and simulate it in Tinker CAD.

Development/Implementation Process

Explain the development/implementation process of your assignment. How did you use the machine/tool to manufacture or implement the design of your assignment?

Design Implementation

  • Test the components (fan-led-resistors-5v Adapter) before starting.

  • Connect the components together as the diagram above.

  • Cut the cardboard with suitable dimensions to put the components inside.

  • Use the adhesive to fix the components inside the carton.

Final Result


Overcoming Challenges

What kinds of challenges or problems did you face while doing the assignment, tutorials, or exercises? How did you solve them? Did you ask for help from an instructor or peer? Please provide a link to the tutorial or article that you used to solve your problem (if any)

I faced a problem that the led didn't work after setting the button on then I replaced it with another one but the same problem, so I asked my instructor for help and he told me to use the Avometer to measure the value of the resistor and I found that the resistor has burned so I replaced it with another one.

I also faced a problem with the prototyping, where I forgot the location of the adapter and I could not modify this mistake until after I disassembled the cube and glued the part again after drilling a place for adapter input.

Final Project

How can you use the skills and knowledge that you've acquired this week in your final project?

I learned how necessary it is to calculate the required dimensions for the components before starting and also to build a simple and user-friendly interface.


What is the coolest thing that you've learned this week? What is something that you will never forget from this week?

After a violent battle between competitors, We decided to give one of them the first place.

Assignment Design Files