Project Lead The Way (PLTW) is the leading provider of rigorous and innovative Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education curricular programs used in elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools across the U.S. The process begins with Launch in elementary school and continues with Gateway to Technology (GTT) in middle school. Information on Launch can be found HERE, and information on GTT can be found HERE. Upon entering high school, students will begin the Pathway to Engineering. For more information on the Pathway to Engineering through PLTW, click HERE.

The Introduction to Engineering Design (IED) is the first foundation class in the Pathway to Engineering. This class is the first of a series for students who plan on pursuing a career in Engineering and/or Design. It is designed for 9th or 10th grade students, and focuses heavily on the design process and its application. Through hands-on projects, students apply engineering standards and document their work. This is done by using 2D and 3D solid modeling software (AutoDesk Inventor and AutoCAD) to help them design parts and assemblies, create blueprints and working drawings, innovate pre-existing parts and models, and use technical communication while working with peers. To view a copy of the course syllabus and curriculum, click HERE.

For those considering the Biomedical Science Pathway, more information can be found HERE.

Upon completion of the IED course, students should continue the PLTW curriculum by signing up to take the Principles of Engineering (POE) course.

Below are some examples of work completed by our IED students:

Geometric Constructions in AutoCAD

Orthographic Projections and Isometric Views in AutoCAD

3D Solid Modeling in Inventor

Reverse Engineering in Inventor

Product Enhancement in Inventor

Toy Train with Physical Properties in Inventor