Team Awesome

Team Members:

Marjorie Rehlander

Sade Tate

Erin Armstrong

Elizabeth Robitzsch

Team Awesome is a innovation group of educators across elementary, middle, and high who forged a bond over their passion for creating a high-quality system of resources and support so that more educators are prepared to Be There When it Counts for students "at-risk" for school failure. Team Awesome includes two school psychologists, a special education teacher, and Director of Virtual Education. Their work leads them into a rabbit hole of design work, cross-pollinating district departments, teacher-network building, technology exploration, and Disruptive Innovation......that works.

How might we :

identify student needs and reframe teacher mindsets in order to create a consistent system that tracks interventions so that all students find individual success despite risk factors.

Awesomeness Continues through:

  1. Developed Communication between groups with common goals

  2. Bridging Mismatched Perceptions

  3. Implementation and Training for Technology Solutions

  4. Building Capacity and Networks


Project Management:

In Press:
