Mental Health Exercise for Redhawks

Welcome to High School!  While this is an exciting time with lots of new, exciting things to do and independence, it is also a time of learning and change!  Whether a Freshman or Senior, you will find successes and challenges throughout your time. Both are part of the normal learning process.  

As a teen, you face many choices in social groups, rigorous academics, athletic and artistic opportunities, and interest-driven activities.  You are also developing wellness and time management habits to build relationships and skills for facing these challenges and success.  At times, we may need to find more or different ways to manage this time or manage symptoms of stress.  These skills are that require daily practice and integration into daily routines.  I have called the mental health exercises because on this page you will find skills you can do daily to build your mental health endurance.

Are you where you are supposed to be, when you are supposed to be there?

What brings you Joy?

Make a list of the things you love and include them in your daily plan

What do you Notice?

Often people can be uncomfortable with long periods of isolation.  Use mediation to let go of the stress or anxiety: 

What is motivating you today?

 Children, Teenagers, mothers, fathers, grandparents, and presidents ask this question.  It can change frequently depending on the setting or the task.  

What does success means to you?

Success means different things to different people.  Understanding what success means to you will help you to make decisions to lead to it.   Decide was does success means to you, today?  Short-term and Long term goals will change.  We need to consider how they impact our view of success.   Often we inherit our view of success from those around us, if we don't define it for ourselves we might find ourselves doing things we don't care about. 

Take a moment and share a success story with a friend.  Consider the last time you had academic success, social success, or personal success.  What did it look like? Feel like? Was it the top of the mountain or the journey up that made you feel successful? Who was there to help or did you find it by yourself?

When was the last time you excerised?

There are a lot of opinions that increased physical activity can greatly improve psychological well-being in teens.    Do you have exercise scheduled as part of your day? Be intentional and planful for these.  Keep an exercise log, add it into your daily plan

Westwood Flock Mind Map.pdf

Who are your People?

Having a Support Crew is an essential skill in High School.  Who do you ask for help? We all need more than one person!

You are a Redhawk!  You will always be a Redhawk and because of this, you are connected to a vast amount of teachers, helpers, leaders, coaches, friends, mentors, cheerleaders, and innovators.   Make sure you identify your people! Tell them they are the ones. 

Learn Something New Everyday 

Be curious and Awe-seeking!  Do you feel goosebumps yet?  Ask questions and never stop asking questions.   People who feel Awe increase our gratitude and positive emotions, make us more generous, gain perspective, and encourages our critical thinking.   Our capacity for AWE helps to define the human experience.

If you are having difficulty finding these emotions seek out activities that will help you develop it.