

Unit:  Matter

Start Date - November 27, 2023 

End Date - January

Guiding Question - How can states of matter and other physical properties be explained using the particle model of matter?  

Learning Outcome: How can states of matter and other physical properties be explained using the particle model of matter?  


Ideas represented by the particle model of matter include that:

In solids, the particles are close together and vibrate in place.

In liquids, the particles are separated by spaces and can slide past each other.

In gases, the particles are separated by large spaces and are constantly moving in all directions.

Attractive forces between particles are strongest in solids and weakest in gases.


The particle model of matter explains the behavior of particles in matter.  

Skills and Procedures:

Represent solids, liquids, and gases using the particle model of matter. 


Relate the movement and arrangement of particles to the state of matter. 


Describe the impact that attractive forces have on the movement and arrangement of particles in solids, liquids, and gases.