Language Arts

These are the projects and curricular outcomes we are working on and incorporating during the months of November and December 2023. 

Writing :

Classroom Activities


Vocabulary Development:

Examine words to determine their origins.

Examine words with meanings that have changed over time.

Examine words that are new to the English language.

Investigate the meaning of bases and affixes in words.

Discuss multiple ways to learn and remember vocabulary.

Record words of personal interest.

Use a variety of tools to build vocabulary knowledge.

Engage with a wide variety of texts to expand vocabulary.

Apply a wide variety of words to communicate in new ways.

Apply tier 2 words to enhance meaning within subject content.

Apply tier 3 words within subject content.

Figurative Language:

Examine word meanings in similes, metaphors, and analogies.

Analyze the meanings of words or phrases expressed figuratively.

Integrate figurative language into personal writing and oral communications.

Structure of Writing:

Respond to texts by summarizing main ideas and providing supporting evidence from self, other texts, or the world. 

Create written texts for a variety of audiences and purposes.

Create written texts in a variety of forms and structures.

Develop creative expression through the use of organizational processes, methods, and tools.

Express ideas through multiple-paragraph works that include topic introductions, supporting evidence, and conclusions.

Arrange and express ideas logically, using interesting details and transitions between sentences or paragraphs.

Communicate a clear position supported by relevant evidence.

Revise drafts to improve the fluency, coherence, sequence, and logical support of ideas.

Edit writing for spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

Publish selected pieces, incorporating graphics, captions, charts, or other text features to support a purpose or connect with an audience.

Create text that uses plot, characterization, dialogue, and figurative language to entertain an audience.

Create expressive descriptions by selecting vocabulary to convey mood or sensory images.

Establish a plot, point of view, setting, and problem through creative writing.

Create texts that show, rather than tell, story events.

Write to inform, explain, describe, or report for a variety of purposes and audiences.

Narrow research questions to determine a clear, well-defined topic.

Develop a main idea or topic supported by facts, details, examples, and explanations.


Apply capitalization to support effective written communication.

Apply punctuation to support effective written communication.

Experiment with capitalization and punctuation to achieve a desired effect.


Apply appropriate tense throughout communications.

Identify subject-verb agreement in communications.

Determine nouns or pronouns that are the subject in a variety of sentences.

Determine nouns or pronouns that are the object in a variety of sentences.

Use noun-pronoun agreement in communications.

Vary the position of adverbs in sentences.

Integrate conjunctions to connect phrases in sentences.

Distinguish between different types of pronouns used in a sentence.


Classroom Activities


Examine the purpose of a variety of digital or non-digital texts.

Engage with a variety of genres of literary texts.

Determine the form and structure of a variety of literary texts.

Develop reading stamina by engaging with text that is personally enjoyable.

Categorize texts according to a variety of fiction sub-genres.

Examine a variety of fictional text structures, including flash-forward.

Examine elements within a variety of fictional texts, including theme.

Describe characters based on what they say, think, or do or what others say and think about them.

Examine organizational structures of non-fiction texts.

Discuss a variety of opinions regarding the structure, content, or source of information expressed in non-fiction texts.

Use a variety of comprehension strategies before, during, and after reading texts.

Evaluate the effectiveness of comprehension strategies used before, during, and after reading.

Monitor comprehension and apply skills to support understandings of texts.