About me

I am an interdisciplinary management scholar and tenured professor in the Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer Science. I am interested in how people and organizations solve wicked problems. My work sits at the intersection of several fields:

  • Management/Business Research is concerned with allocating scarce resources for achieving organizational goals. This requires knowledge about planning, organizing teams and workflows, leading and motivating people, and monitoring results - under real world conditions, when people and technology interact. Management researchers are frequently interested in profit-related goals but their insights extend to other resource allocation problems, e.g. in government, non-profits, and natural resource management. My work creates bridges to these domains, while always keeping a foot in management research on innovation and new product development.

  • System Modeling represents complex and dynamic systems (business environments, ecosystems, cities, etc.) as simplified models. They allow us to explore system behavior and "test drive" different ideas and solutions through simulation. Simulation replaces real-world experiments that would be too costly, time-consuming or unethical. My work contributes to this field by applying and extending Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping.

  • Engineering Research results in technical systems for solving problems, as well as the fundamental knowledge for creating and improving these systems. Topics are extremely wide and can range from manufacturing, to transportation, and communication. My work does not result in new technology but investigates what technologies are emergent, how they can be developed and deployed, and how they will impact organizations and individuals.

CV and Short Bio

Antonie Jetter is Professor of Engineering and Technology Management and David Wedge Vision Professor (2019-21). She is an interdisciplinary researcher at the intersection of management, system modeling, and engineering. Her work helps organizations solve wicked problems through innovation and results in theoretical insights and methods for knowledge sharing and collective intelligence, managing complexity, and for testing innovative ideas through simulation. Results support planning and decision making about diverse topics, including higher education strategy, product development, and natural resource management. Antonie started her career as a management trainee with Siemens before pursuing a “Diplom” degree in business administration from RWTH Technical University, Germany. While still in college, she was on the founding team of a venture-backed start-up company in equipment manufacturing - an experience that ultimately led her to pursue a PhD in Technology and Innovation Management (also from RWTH). Antonie is passionate about engineering education and has created and led several programs for student innovation and entrepreneurship at Portland State. Antonie teaches courses on new product development, entrepreneurship, and technology marketing to graduate students in engineering.

Copy of CV Jetter Website June2019.pdf


Wedge Vision Professorship (2019-2021): Link

David E. Wenge Excellence in Teaching Award (2018)

Courses in 2019/20

  • Front End Management for New Product Development ETM 519/619

  • Technology Marketing ETM 555/655

  • Research Methods for Engineering and Technology Management (ETM 565/665)

Past Courses

  • Human Side of Technology Management (ETM 519/619) - not currently offered

  • Technological Entrepreneurship (ETM 561/661) - new instructor

  • New Venture Management (ETM 562/662) - new instructor

  • Introduction to Entrepreneurship (ETM 410/510 IEE) - not currently offered