Religious Studies

Course Outline:

Catholic Christianity - Studied in Year 10

Beliefs and teachings: Trinity, Trinity in the Bible, Creation, Creation and the nature of Humanity, The Incarnation, Paschal Mystery, Eschatology.

Practices: Sacraments, Liturgical worship, The Funeral Rite, Prayer, Forms of popular Piety, Pilgrimage, Catholic Social Teaching, Catholic Mission and Evangelism.

Catholic Christianity - Studied in Year 11

Sources of Wisdom & Authority: The Bible, Interpretation of the Bible, Magisterium, Second Vatican Council, Church as the Body of Christ, Four Marks of the Church, Mary as the Model of the Church, Personal and Ethical Decision Making.

Forms of expression and ways of Life: Catholic Church architecture, Features of a Church, Sacred objects, Artwork, Sculpture and statues, Symbolism and imagery in religious art, Drama, Music in worship.

Judaism - Studied in Year 10

Beliefs and teachings: The Almighty, The Shekinah, The Messiah, Covenant at Sinai, Abraham, Sanctity of Life, Moral Principles and Mitzvot, Life after Death

Practices: Public acts of worship, Tanakh and Talmud, Private Prayer, Shema and Amidah, Ritual ceremony, Shabbat, Festivals, Features of a synagogue.

Philosophy and Ethics - Catholic Christianity - Studied in Year 11

Arguments for the Existence of God: Revelation, Visions, Miracles, Religious Experience, Design Argument, the Cosmological Argument, Existence of Suffering, Solutions to Suffering.

Marriage and The Family: Marriage, Relationships, The Family, Divorce, Annulment, Equality of men and women, Gender prejudice and discrimination.

Key attributes required to enjoy and/or succeed on this course:

  • Willingness to think and read.

  • Ability to focus in class and commitment to work at home.

Qualification Gained: GCSE