Thursday 5th November 2020. This event will now be held on-line.

Year 11 Information Evening


An evening for Year 11 parents and students.

The goal of this event is to gives students and families strategies and techniques to help them prepare for their December mock exams and then their Summer Final Public Examinations

Year 11 information evening 2020 - Google Slides.mp4


Head of Year, Mr Shine will give an overall view of what to expect this upcoming year as well as some tips on how to really use your time wisely while looking after your own mental wellbeing.


Ms Tunnicliffe, Head of English will be speaking to you about what is expected from you this next year in English. She includes many sources which you can use, especially during revision time, that will help you to achieve great results.

ENGLISHYear 11 Info Evening - Google Slides.mp4
MATHS Loom Recording.mp4


Head of Maths, Mr Ghadvi discusses how both you, as a parent, and your daughter can ensure the success of her exams. There are tips given which show how you can support your child and its importance.


Mr Sykes, Head of Science covers different ways in which you can prepare yourself for the exams which will take place at the end of the school year. The different support systems put in place by the school to help your daughter will also be discussed.

Preparation for Science Exams 2020 - Google Slides.mp4