Hello NVLA Families and Students,

CCSD has partnered with Paper to provide unlimited access to trained

tutors so every student can ask questions, work through problems, and grow their confidence—at no cost to families.

Paper is a secure, online tutoring service that provides students with unlimited, 24/7 academic support. Whether they’re stuck on homework, studying for a test, or need someone to read and make suggestions for their essays, there will always be experts available online to assist students in all subjects and in more than 4 languages. See Paper FAQs to learn more.

Paper tutors have been specially trained to conduct expert, academic support in a secure, chat-based platform. With a commitment to helping students learn, they’ll never give students answers, but rather interact with them in an encouraging tone to lead them forward.

Paper tutors act as 24/7 teaching assistants, so teachers can allocate instructional time effectively knowing their students always have an extra helping hand. Our teachers also have accounts and will be able to review all student activity to see what they’re working on and provide more targeted instruction as needed.

To learn more about how Paper supports families and to sign up for a caregiver webinar, please visit: https://paper.co/parents-guardians

WElcome To Nevada Learning Academy 

 Vision Statement

The vision of the school counseling program is to bridge the gap between parent and student perceptions of online learning success into understanding the value of balancing online foundational mindsets that promotes the application of students’ ability to apply strong learning strategies, self-management skills, and positive social communication in an online environment.

NVLA Counselors Contact Information 

Main number: 702-799-6852

Middle School Counselors

Jennifer McGuire 6th grade ext. 4305

Matthew Salisbury 7th grade ext. 4310

Clelia Califf 8th grade ext. 4311

High School Counselors

Mario Peraza 9th-12th Alpha A-Do ext. 4302

Stacey Sinicki 9th-12th Alpha Dr-La ext. 4303

Rachael Mikita 9th-12th Alpha Le-Ra ext.4301

Jennifer Drummond 9th-12th Alpha Re-Z ext. 4312

Tanya Attebery 9-12th Alpha A-Z Special Education/IEP Counselor Ext. 4304


I want to set up an appointment for my Driver's test, so need Attendance to complete form to take with you to DMV? *** Must complete this form to Attendance DMV Form

I need to turn in an absence note


24/7 Days a week CCSD Online Tutoring
