Visual Arts

Art Grades K-5

MAKE ART! Sketch, observe, doodle, build, curate, collect, compare, and make lists. Your mission: Choose at least one making activity each day (or MANY). Check out these ideas or create your own:

I can CREATE...

  • Make a selfie. These can be sketches, 3D models or photographs. You can make them with any materials around you (pencils, markers, crayons). Use the following prompts to help spark your ideas:

        • What would you look like in 75 years?

        • What would you look like as a super hero, alien, water creature?

  • Build a fort for yourself, for your pet, for a hero. Make it life size, tiny, or virtual. Create it from objects around you.

  • Use these sites to create your own digital art:

I can RESPOND...

  • Make a list of at least 10 round things (OR square things, moving things, living things) from where you are sitting. Draw, list or voice record what you have never seen. What other lists or collections can you create? Create an artwork from this collection.

  • Visit one of the virtual spaces in Google Arts and Culture and find works that are made with strange materials (example: shoes, tin foil, plastic bottles).

  • Answer the following questions: Who was Georgia O'Keefe? How did people paint before paint was invented?

  • Find a Kenyan Superhero of your choice. Decide which Superhero alter ego matches you. What do you see that makes you say that?

I can Connect...

  • Explore a new location in 3D: Google Arts & Culture. Where would you like to visit and why? What do you see that makes you say that? What places would you like to visit that are not listed?

I can PRESENT...

  • You are a curator of an art show. Using the objects around you, make a display. Make this display hidden from site, make it transportable, make it float in water, make it on another planet, make it hang from the ceiling.

  • Explore the fashion site created in Google Arts and Culture.

  • Design a tiny exhibit for tiny creatures.

Art Grades 6-12

Keep your CREATIVE flow moving. You can sketch, observe, doodle, reconstruct, curate, collect, describe, research, compare, and make new collections. Choose to engage in one or two activities each day. These can be self designed or use some suggestions below for a starting place:

I can CREATE...

  • Complete a sketch a day in any format (make your own, use a current social media site, or draw on found scrap paper). Use some of these prompts if you are not feeling inspired:

  • Make your own list of inspiring creative tasks or use this list

  • Check out prompts on Inktober Site

  • Try out one of the following projects

  • Try out a project on Art Assignment

I can RESPOND...

I can Connect...

  • View at least 4 curator's description of their own CONNECTIONS in Art (The MET). What themes do you like or dislike? What themes are missing? Create your own video making connections with a theme of your choice.

  • Interested in these topics? Immigration, Industrialization, Women and Suffrage. Use the Image Detector to analyze historical documents and photographs.

I can PRESENT...

  • Curate your own collection of works that explore a specific theme. (For example: things that look painful, shoes, outside vs. inside, things that are missing, intention, hairstyles, beauty). Create a physical or a virtual exhibit from this idea.

  • Present your own completed works to get feedback. Elink, Instagram, Feedly, Diigo and Seesaw.

Art for Home.pdf