Additional Activities

During this time, there are many paid subscriptions offering free memberships. There are also additional Facebook Live read alouds, virtual field trips, and more. See the links below for these optional resources.


Additional Curriculum Ideas


*What did you read? What was your favorite part and why?

*Rewrite a story you read from a different character’s point of view.

*How would you change the ending to a story you have read?

*Continue a story you’re reading and write what you think will happen.

*What is the theme of a story you read? Think of an event or direct quote that supports the theme.

*How has the main character changed throughout the book you’re reading?

*Read an article about a topic of your choice, summarize it, and find the main idea.

*Take some time to look around your house and see what books are available to you. Find a type of book that perhaps you haven’t had time to read in the past. As you read, create a reading goal for yourself. What space will you choose? How much will you read in a day? How often will you reflect on what you’ve read? Would you recommend this book? Who would you recommend it to?

  • Write/type, draw, talk about, and or use a digital creation tool such as Google Slides or Google Drawing to answer any or all of the questions.


*Make your own addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division flashcards and practice.

*Create your own real world word problems (such as calculating tip, total grocery bill, or driving distance) and give them to your family members to solve. Then, have them do the same for you.

*Draw a picture using as many shapes as you can. The challenge is to make them 3D shapes and build a structure using them.

*Calculate perimeter, area, surface area, and or volume for items in your house.

*Help your family cook a meal and write down any fractions you notice. What would the amounts be if you doubled the recipe or even tripled it?

*Think of your dream vacation and plan a budget around travel, stay, gas prices, etc. How much money will you need for your trip? Make sure you can prove it.

  • Write/type, draw, talk about, and or use a digital creation tool such as Google Slides or Google Drawing to answer any or all of the questions.


*Create a Google Document to record all of your writing!

*Write a poem.

*Write a fictional story.

*Research a topic of interest and write an informational response about the new information you learned.

*Write about a place that you’ve visited or a place you’d like to visit.

*Write an opinion you feel strongly about such as: Do you think kids your age should have cell phones? How much homework should you have? Should school start earlier? later? Provide reasons to support your claim.

  • Write/type, draw, talk about, and or use a digital creation tool such as Google Slides or Google Drawing to answer any or all of the questions.


*Look outside. What do you notice? Is it sunny or raining? Cloudy?

*How would you describe it?

*Do your best to create your own weather report for today.

*Research the climate of another city, state, or country. How is it different from our own? How is it the same?

  • Write/type, draw, talk about, and or use a digital creation tool such as Google Slides or Google Drawing to answer any or all of the questions.


*Exercise! (For example, dance, make up your own circuit training stations, run in place, or with permission from an adult, play outside!)

*Sing three of your favorite songs and see if you can make up a new one.

*Help cook a healthy meal with your family.

*Play a musical instrument and if you don’t have one, get creative! Can you play the spoons? Tap some tupperware? Make an instrument from scratch?

*BUILD. Cup tower? Legos? Again, get creative!

*Create your own design challenge such as making a game, obstacle course, or marble run. Reflect on how it went.