Experiential Module: JLPT Prep Course

Master's Project for the MA in Foreign Language Teaching

JLPT N3 Prep Course for JFL Students

During my time enrolled in the EM course, I designed and created an integrated, online language learning course with Canvas to help Japanese language learners gain autonomy over their language learning goals. The course's secondary goal was to develop linguistic and communicative proficiency in the necessary language knowledge required to pass the N3 level of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) (The Japan Foundation, 2012).

Embedded below is my reflective essay for my EM project. I've outlined the major content points of the report in case their are certain aspects you are interesting more about.


Experiential Module Reflective Essay

In this report, I reflect on:

  • what kind of experiences I encountered while working on my EM

  • why I choose this project as my EM

  • the process of creating my course and its materials

  • what kind of impact it has had on me as a foreign language teacher