Community Resources

Saturday School

The mission of Saturday School is to enhance student mastery of core academic subjects – specifically, reading, language arts, and mathematics – to prepare students for the challenges of college and career. Saturday School offers a variety of special programs including: Coding, Robotics, SAT/ACT Prep, Crash Course to College, Pre-K, and Adult Literacy. See our website for registration.

Moco Reconnect Youth Drop-In Center

Caring Matters/Grief Updates

Gilchrist Immigrant Resource Center

The Gilchrist Center is a gateway for Montgomery County's immigrants. Our center provides information and referrals to programs and services offered by government agencies and community organizations. Food assistance, health care, English Classes, and other resources.

Free Consults for Immigrants in Maryland / Consultas Gratuitas para Inmigrantes en Maryland

We offer free, confidential, and remote consultations to help you with your immigration case. / Ofrecemos consultas gratuitas confidenciales, y remotamente para ayudarlo con su caso inmigratorio.

Dentistry for the Uninsured in Germantown

Dentistry is a critical aspect of healthcare, and many in the community are uninsured or cannot afford a dentist appointment. There are a few dentists in the Montgomery County area (Silver Spring and Bethesda) who would like to offer dental cleanings and treatments like fillings, extractions, and fluoride treatments at little or no cost.