
What is extemp?

Extemporaneous speaking is a speaking event based on research, original analysis, and quick critical thinking. Speakers are offered 3 questions and get to choose which one they would like to answer. Questions generally include social, economic and political issues. The speaker is then given 30 minutes to craft a speech answering their question. Speeches are a maximum of 7 minutes long and typically follow the format of a 5 paragraph essay. Speakers get to showcase their own opinions, background knowledge, critical thinking, and speaking skills as they answer the questions. Extemp mixes skills from many other events, teaching those who participate speaking skills, effective research, persuasive arguments, critical thinking, and improvisation.

What Are the Different Kinds of Extemp?

  • Domestic - Questions and topics concerning the affairs of the United States
  • International - Questions and topics concerning the whole world

Extemp Resources

  • Upon joining the Extemp team, we will show you how to access our organized Dropbox, with tons of organized information.