Captains & Officers

Our officers are a dedicated team of smart and kind people who are a great resource! We're always here to help in any way we can, so don't be afraid to contact us for tips, help on homework, or even extra practice.


Debate Captain: Rebekah Heath

  • Rebekah has been on the team since freshman year, and is enthusiastic for another year of debate. She has experience in all debate events and Domestic Extemporaneous Speaking. Focusing on Policy Debate, Rebekah has had the opportunity to compete at the state and national level. Outside of debate, Rebekah enjoys golfing, running, politics, and becoming emotionally invested in online shopping during class. Contact Rebekah for (low quality) advice on avoiding nicknames that will follow you forever, or anything else you may need.
  • Off hours: 2,4,6T 4,6R
  • Reach her at or 303-250-3644

Speech Captain: Allie Kolpak

  • Allie is excited to be returning for another year as speech captain and her fourth year on the team. She mainly competes in dramatic interpretation, but also enjoys congressional debate. She's always happy to help with piece selection, practice, and any questions you may have about Watergate, sailboat navigation, or Malaysia Airlines flight 370.
  • Off hours: 1MF
  • You can reach her anytime at

Extemporaneous Speaking Captain: Casey Watkins

  • Casey did extemporaneous for his sophomore year and is now very excited to be captain for extemp! If he's not participating in games in the extemp room or giving a third speech about Argentina's missing submarine, he's probably be Sporcle because that's the closest thing he has to a life.
  • Off hours: 5T, 3TR
  • or (720) 288-6894


Secretary, Treasurer: Lucas Mederos

  • Lucas (AKA Slayer, La Merienda, Big Lukey, and Hillary) is an acquired taste. He has been on the team since freshman year, usually competing in Humorous Interpretation (HI), but dabbling heavily in Duo Interpretation (Duo) and Congressional Debate (Congress). Lucas is a captain on the Arapahoe Rugby team, the Senior Class President, and competes on the Arapahoe Football and Wrestling teams. He is an avid fan of politics, and loves books, music, and movies. Feel free to reach out if there is anything Lucas can do for you, except bash Jimmy Carter.
  • Off hours: 1st and 4th on Thursday
  • Contact him at: (720) 556-8852 or

Public Relations Officer: Ashley Mowle

  • Ashley is excited to compete in her second season of speech and debate. Her primary event is humorous interpretation, but she has also competed in original oratory. Additionally, she participates in theatre at Arapahoe. Outside of school, Ashley is a huge hockey fan, and she enjoys running, watching TV shows and movies, and listening to music. Feel free to reach out to her any time if you ever want to practice or if there is anything else Ashley can assist you with.
  • Off hours:
  • Contact her at