

Go through the Kawa of Care with learners ensuring they understand what they are agreeing to. Learners share their ideas around the student agreement. Make connections to the safety video. Learners identify consequences if the Kawa of Care is broken. Learners each sign a copy of the Kawa of Care.


What is the Kawa of Care?

How will I respect my iPad when I am using it for learning?

How will I respect my iPad when I am moving with it?

Using our iPads

Progress through the lessons below as appropriate. Focus on teaching one new skill a week. Repeat lessons throughout the week to reinforce the lesson taught. Click on links below to see outlined learning experiences and reflection questions.

WALHT upload a photo to our google drive

  1. Take a screenshot of the explain everything slide that you want to upload to your google drive.

  2. Open up the google drive app.

  3. Open up the folder that you want the photo to upload to eg. reading or maths.

  4. Select the + button and select ‘upload Photos or Videos’.

  5. Select the screenshot of the explain everything slide from your camera roll. Let the photo upload.

  6. Open up the learning folder in your google drive and the photo will be there for you to use.


Do I know how to upload a photo to my google drive?