
Hapara Overview

Hāpara Overview

Hāpara is an important tool that makes our students' learning visible. It was created especially to support the Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy. This slide deck provides an overview of the three main 'strands' of Hāpara, and how they can support teacher practice. It is highly recommended that all teachers join the Hāpara Community, an online portal with professional learning opportunities that you can engage with in your own time, at your own pace.

Teacher Dashboard

Hapara Dashboard is the central hub for viewing learners’ work in G Suite. It’s an organized, simple platform that enables teachers to view, access, and give feedback on digital work.

With Dashboard, you have one-click access to Google Drive files in learners’ class folders, as well as visibility into learners’ Google Sites, Blogger, and even Blogger comments. Dashboard was built to save teachers time and energy managing learners working in G Suite.

Hāpara Highlights PES


Hāpara Highlights helps you see what learners are doing in the Google Chrome Browser in near-real-time. Feedback mechanisms allow you to reinforce pro-learning behaviour and re-direct unfocused behaviour. You can remotely open or close a browser tab on learner devices to re-focus them to the task at hand. You can share files, sites or URLs with your students easily.

Hāpara Highlights also allows you to directly send messages to students and provide more personalised and private feedback.


Hāpara Workspace, is a collaborative and differentiated digital space in which teachers and learners can engage in meaningful explorations, embark on individualised learning paths, and design individual and collective solutions and understandings. Using Hāpara Workspace, teachers are able to manage and streamline broad learning activities by tracking progress and submissions, and by providing feedback to learners.

Hāpara Certification

Click on the image below to find out about extending and certifying your Hāpara expertise