Operating Schedule

Click on the Questions and statements below to expand the latest guidance.

Please watch the safety video for your school before returning to the school site.

When will the school be open?

All of our schools are open as normal.

I will be visiting the school, what do I need to know?

At all of our schools we want to keep visiting down to a minimum but we realise that people do need to come on site for various reasons. We would strongly advise any visits or meetings to be conducted outside of teaching hours when the school will have fewer people in it. As always we expect visits and meetings to be planned in advance. We will not accommodate any unplanned visits.

We will expect all visitors to follow the latest government advice and we include specific guidance here for North East Essex Cooperative Academy (NEECA) and Heybridge Cooperative Academy (HCA) here.

As staff arrive

At Heybridge

Parking will be in the front and rear car parks.

  1. Staff will enter through the front door. They will be expected to clean their hands using hand sanitiser.

  2. Staff will only bring minimum resources/items into the building with them.

  3. Staff will set up their classrooms ready for their students.

  4. Staff are advised to wear clean clothes each day no ties or wash proof items.


Parking will be in the usual staff car park.

  1. Staff will enter through the main reception. They will be expected to clean their hands using hand sanitiser.

  2. Staff will only bring minimum resources/items into the building with them.

  3. Staff will set up their classroom ready for their students.

  4. Staff are advised to wear clean clothes each day (no ties or wash proof items).

At Endeavour

Parking will be in the usual staff car park.

  1. Staff will enter through the main reception, and have their temperature checked by a member of staff wearing PPE. They will be asked to clean their hands using hand sanitiser.

  2. Staff will only bring minimum resources/items into the building with them.

  3. Staff will proceed to their allocated classroom to set up for the pupils within their bubble.

  4. Staff are advised to wear clean clothes each day (no ties or wash proof items).

Preparing for students to arrive

At Heybridge

  1. Students will follow all instructions issued by staff.

  2. They will enter through the top entrance door nearest the road.

  3. Pupils will be expected to wear normal school uniform AND to hand in their mobile phones on arrival. This will be stored safely in a sealed bag preventing unnecessary handling by anyone else.

  4. A member of staff will be supervising students entering school in the car park and other staff will welcome them through this entrance.

  5. Pupils will collect their own personal tray from the Morning or Afternoon cupboard.. This will include a Chromebook that will have been fully charged the night before.

At NEECA (Please watch video guide above)

  1. A member of staff with PPE will check young persons temperature on entry

  2. A member of staff will be supervising students entering school in the car park.

  3. POD staff will ensure that their students will have their own personal tray ready in the BTEC PE room. This will include a chromebook that has their name on it, that will have been fully charged the night before, and stationary

At Endeavour

  1. Taxis and parents will drive on to the school site as directed, they will park, close windows and turn off engines.

  2. Pupils are NOT allowed to bring any electrical or mobile devices into school these must be left at home or in their transport.

  3. A member of staff wearing PPE will ask individual pupils to exit their vehicle, and make their way to another member of staff wearing PPE who will take their temperature.

  4. If the pupils temperature is within the suitable range they will be directed to their allocated classroom. If their temperature is high and they were brought to school by their parent/carer they will rejoin them in their vehicle to go straight home, or if they arrived to school by taxi they will be isolated in an allocated room until their parent/carer can collect them.

  5. Pupils will be met at their classroom entrance where they will be required to wash and sanitise their hands, they will then enter their classroom, take their seat at their allocated desk where they will have their own personal tray of resources, a chromebook and an Ipad.

Going to the classrooms

At Heybridge

Students will walk with their personal tray to their next lesson as shown on their timetable, ensuring they are following social distancing at all times.


Students will walk with their personal tray to their next lesson as shown on their timetable, ensuring they are following social distancing at all times.

At Endeavour

Please read 'Preparing for students to arrive'

During the Lessons

At Heybridge

  1. Students will receive their learning in a number of classrooms.

  2. Students will be expected to keep to the social distancing guidelines at all times; in corridors, in rooms and outside.

  3. Students will clean down their table surface and any other equipment they have used, using the cleaning kit in the tray.


  1. Students will receive their learning in a number of classrooms.

  2. Students will be expected to keep to the social distancing guidelines at all times; in corridors, in rooms and outside.

  3. Students will clean down their table surface and any other equipment they have used, using the cleaning kit in the tray.

At Endeavour

  1. Pupils will form part of a bubble with the same staff and pupils in the same allocated classroom each day, all lessons will take place within these classroom bubbles.

  2. Pupils will be expected to adhere to social distancing guidelines, whilst in the classroom and during any movement outside of the classroom.

  3. Pupils will be allocated a desk, a personal tray of resources, a Chromebook and Ipad which they will use each day.

  4. Each class bubble will be allocated time out on the school field throughout the day (this will be limited to 15 minutes once a day as pupil numbers and the number of classes increases).

Breaktime and Lunchtime

At Heybridge

  1. Students and staff will wash their hands or sanitise them.

  2. Students will have a short break outside (if the weather is very poor then they can use designated wet-break rooms).

  3. Students will take this time to use the toilet.

  4. Students will be able to have a drink from a disposable cup.

  5. Students and staff will wash/sanitise hands on re entering the classroom.

  6. Lunch; students will be asked what sandwich they would like on their arrival. This will be bought for them that day and given to them at the end of their session. Pupils will be encouraged to eat outdoors but could also eat in their own POD classbase (especially if the weather is very poor).


  1. Breaktimes will be staggered to allow for cleaning of toilets and keeping social distance.

  2. PODS will not mix with any other POD staff or students.

  3. Students to wash hands

  4. Students will have a short break outside (if weather is very poor then PODs can use the main hall) and an opportunity to go to the toilet.

  5. Students will be able to have a drink in their own PODs provided by NEECA

  6. Students to wash hands on re entering the classroom.

  7. Cleaner to clean each toilet block after each POD has had their staggered break time

At Endeavour

  1. Breaktimes will be staggered to allow for social distancing.

  2. Pupils and staff from different bubbles will not mix with each other during breaktimes.

  3. Upon returning to class pupils will be required to wash and sanitise their hands again.

  4. Pupils will be permitted to use their allocated toilet whenever necessary, again hand washing and sanitising will be supervised.

  5. Pupils will have their lunch in their allocated classrooms, this and enough drinking water to last throughout the school day will need to be supplied from home.

Students leaving the school

At Heybridge

  1. Students and staff in each POD will wipe down their tables and tray items before returning them back to the Hall. If they are due to be in the same room on the following day they can leave them in the POD room. Once cleaned they must place the laminated sign (provided) on top of the tray to indicate this.

  2. Students will leave through the same door in the hall that they used to enter the building earlier in the day.

  3. Students will collect their personal items such as their phone and coat from their designated tray.

  4. Students will wash their hands in their POD or in the hall before leaving the building.


  1. Students are to wipe down their table and tray items before returning them back to the BTEC PE room on leaving.

  2. Students will collect their trays of personal items such as their phone and coat.

  3. Students to wash hands.

  1. Students will all receive a packed lunch to take away.

  2. Students will exit through BTEC PE room.

At Endeavour

  1. Parent/carer vehicles and taxis will be permitted on site from 13:45 and directed where to park. Engines must be switched off and windows shut.

  2. A member of staff will contact a class bubble, the pupils will be sent to the car park area, allocated places to stand and wait have been marked on the ground. Each pupil will wait here until directed by a member of staff to return to their parent/carer vehicle or taxi.

  3. The class bubbles will be released one at a time in an attempt to maintain social distancing to to reduce the mixing of pupils in different bubbles.

  4. Once all pupils are safely in their transport the school gates will be opened and parent/carer vehicles and taxis directed to leave.

After students have left

At Heybridge

  1. Staff will prepare the areas in their POD ready for learning the next day and so that the cleaner can thoroughly clean all surfaces.

  2. Staff will return cleaned student laptops to the charging trolley to be charged ready for placing in the same trays the next morning.


  1. Staff to prepare areas in their POD ready for learning the next day and so that the cleaner can thoroughly clean all surfaces.

  2. Staff to return cleaned student laptops to be charged ready for placing in trays the next morning.

At Endeavour

  1. Staff to wipe down surfaces, chromebooks, ipads in the classroom areas.

  2. Any electrical items that need to be recharged for the following day to be plugged in.

  3. Staff to leave site.

After staff leave

At Heybridge



  1. Staff to ensure they have washed hands and follow all government guidance on hygiene.

  2. Staff to update SLT lead onsite of any concerns /highlights

At Endeavour

  1. Staff to ensure they have washed hands and follow all Government guidance on hygiene.

  2. Staff to update SLT of any concerns, issues.

Still need help?

Please contact;

Heybridge Co-operative Academy (HCA) 01621 856275

North East Essex Co-operative Academy (NEECA) 01206 852156

Endeavour Co-operative Academy (ECA) 01277 217330