Educator Resources

“There are uses to adversity, and they don't reveal themselves until tested. Whether it's serious illness, financial hardship, or the simple constraint of parents who speak limited English, difficulty can tap unexpected strengths.”

-Sonia Sotomayor

Making the sudden transition from having your students in your classroom every day to having to interact with them from a distance is not an easy transition to make. Usually, a lot of planning and work goes into making any curriculum available online and as teachers, you are now faced with having to do this with little time to prepare. To offer you a little help and support, we have gathered some of the resources that we frequently use to connect with our homeschool families.

  • On the Virtual Meetings page you will find links to some services that will make it easier to connect with your students and to deliver content to them. This page includes links to virtual classroom resources, resources for creating content, and resources for holding meetings.

  • The Free Lesson Plan Content page includes a list by subject of sources that we have found helpful in supporting our own students’ learning outside of the classroom.

  • If you are looking for resources to recommend to your students and their families checkout (and share) the parent section of this website. There are recommendations for both elementary students and middle/high school students and a list of online curriculum programs (many of which are offering free or reduced services right now.)

  • We have also created a Virtual Field Trip page with links to some great resources for families to connect with the outside world without leaving the safety of their homes.

  • If you need something now, to help your students keep learning until you have had a chance to adapt your lessons for distance learning, here are some free work packets for grades K-8.