
5th grade students are learning about forensic science and chemistry while solving a mystery, "The Case of the Lost Skull," by using crime scene investigation techniques.

Day 1: Investigating the mystery scene and collecting evidence. Students were acting like a Crime Scene Investigator, they were taking notes and making sketches of the mystery area. They were highly engaged, observant, curious and careful during evidence collection.

Day 2: Learning about fingerprints and blood types while examining the evidence. (Simulated human blood was used. It was purchased from a biological supply company and has been completely sterilized.)

Day 3: Students are examining more evidence, the shoe impression cast and the skull.

Day 4: Comparative lab - hair type and fiber determination.


With a student-centered and integrative project, 8th grade students studied the 1950s in their American history class. Students were given a variety of choices, such as to produce poster ad or a power point presentation while learning about the culture of the decade. A great way to integrate learning of history, music, art, sports and technology with this engaging project.

While learning about World War I, 8th grade students also learned about videography, video editing and then produced movies in teams. This project is not only integrating technology and art to history class but also helping students to develop 21st century skills such as communication, collaboration and creativity.

With their solar system projects, 7th grade students have integrated art and creativity into their learning about space. They created accurate models of the solar system in their own very creative ways.