Benefits for Schools

Benefits for Schools

Hawaii Online Courses (HOC) is a unique experience where students can take courses online, do them anytime, anywhere and receive regular DOE credit. This is a supplementary program provided by the Hawaii DOE where many ACCN high school credit courses, including Advanced Placement are offered online. All courses are reviewed to align with current state standards and online instructional best practices. These online courses are instructed by highly-qualified state-certified teachers.

Some additional benefits to using the HOC program include:

  • Students may expand their course load (e.g., due to scheduling conflicts, lack of enrollment, and/or lack of qualified instructors) – free of charge.

  • Online courses provide an alternative learning environment that appeals to the digital learner.

  • Digital learning environment equips students with 21st Century computer literacy and online learning skills.

Offering HOC courses to your students is a great way to supplement their education!