6th Grade Science

Mrs. Williams Schedule (6th Grade)

1st/ Advisory:  8:30-8:57  

2nd / Science:  9:00- 9:57

3rd / Science:  10:00 -10:57

4th/Science:  11:00 - 11:57

Lunch with 5th period class 12:08 -12:35

5th/Science:  12:35 - 1:37

Planning & Frequent Meetings:  1:38 - 3:10.  Conferences may be scheduled during this time.  Students are in their related arts classes 

After school duties begin around 3:10 some weeks

Announcements and important dates:

Assignments are posted DAILY in google classroom, please visit the science google classroom page on your child's school g-mail account for specific directions, resources and copies.

 As we are learning about cells and their structures next week, the science team thought we could have some fun and make cell models... out of candy and food!!  Please see the attached link to a sign up genius if you are able to help send in supplies for the cell model candy lab. Please send in supplies by Wednesday of next week (12/13) if you are able to sign up for an item to send in.   


Thank you for your support and generosity!!

*Please be sure to regularly access the parent backpack and student backpack to review grades and monitor for missing assignments (these are labeled as NHI- not handed in)

***Lessons and assignments are subject to change based on student need. Please check your child’s google classroom for the most up to date information.