11th Grade

Join the 2023 Junior Google Classroom for ALL update information!


List of Test Optional Colleges

Please click the link below for a list of colleges that or test optional for next year's incoming freshman:


Read Below for any questions about Test Optional :


SchooLinks Information

SchooLinks Steps

How do I log into my School Links account?

- Log in through backpack, click educational apps, scroll down till you see School Links

How do I create a favorite college list?

1. Log in, and Do the required onboard training if you did not during your Junior IGP meeting.

2. On the left side, click the colleges icon

3. Select the School Search option

4. Add your colleges to your list by selecting the heart button on the top right by the college/university to favorite the school

5. Click the Colleges Icon and select Final List

6. Look for the blue arrows on the right side, click and sort your favorite colleges (likely, target, reach)

How do I request recommendations?

- You must complete the steps above first and create a final list of your colleges/universities.

1. Click on college application on the left column

2. Select College Applications

3. Fill in the personal information

4. Waive the right for recommendations

5. Select Submission Tracker

6. Click which box which colleges or universities you applied to

7. Fill out the requested information for each college application and set it to in progress

8. Transcripts are requested once college applications are set to in progress and can be monitored from that screen

Can I just request recommendations without using School Links?

- No, the only way counselors and teachers will be able to complete your recommendations is through School Links!

How do I tell my teachers I need letter recommendations?

1. First, send them an email asking them if you would like them to write a recommendation for you and when the due date is for the letter of recommendation.

2. Next, you will need to request the teacher in School Links for your teacher recommendations.

3. Under the school you have applied to on School Links it will say if you need a counselor and/or teacher letter of recommendation.

4. Enter the teacher's email address and it will be sent directly to the teacher.

5. Check back in two weeks before the due date to remind the teacher of your letter of recommendation.

Early Dismissal/Late Arrival Forms

*Only for 12th graders (based off of credits in PowerSchool)

Early Dismissal- Late Arrivial Form fillable