3rd Grade Syllabus

Chandler Creek Elementary

Third Grade Syllabus


Super Powers- There is a Superhero Inside All of Us!

3rd Grade Syllabus

Mission Statement:

Chandler Creek Elementary Schools mission is to empower students to become leaders, learners, and caring citizens who strengthen community.

Vision Statement:

Chandler Creek’s Vision is Creating a Community of Empowered Students (C.C.E.S.)

Units of Instruction:


Place Value, Strategies for Addition, Subtraction, and Perimeter, Foundations of Multiplication, Understanding Area, Understanding Fractions, Measurement and Time, Multiplication and Division, Strategies for Area, Patterns in Numbers and Operations, Real World Problems, and Fractions in Measurement and Data.


The Life of a Reader, Reading Nonfiction to Get the Text, Uncovering the Mystery, Research Through Reading, Studying Characters Across Series, Testing as a Genre, and Growing Theories Within and Across Texts.


Narratives, Informational Writing, Narrative Writing: True Stories, The Art of Informational Writing, Opinion Writing, Testing as a Genre, Opinion Writing: Changing the World, and Grammar.


Introduction to School and Science, Properties and Changes in Matter, Energy Transfer: Electricity and Magnetism, Earth’s Materials and Processes, and Environments and Habitats.

Social Studies

Places and Regions, Exploration and Settlement, From Colony to State, The Civil War, Moving into a New Century, and Growth and Change.

Major Assessments / Calculation of Grades:

After each instructional unit, the students will be given a test and/or learning project based on acquired knowledge. Essays and other written assignments or projects will be graded using a district writing rubric. Each assignment can earn up to 4 points for content/development, 4 points for organization, 3 points for voice, and 4 points for correct use of English language conventions.

Students will also be assessed daily through teacher observation, questioning techniques, and other class work activities.

Quizzes will be given periodically to determine student understanding. Homework is given regularly to reinforce student learning.

Grading Scale:

The standardized grading scale used throughout Greenville County School District will apply.

A 90-100 Penmanship:

B 80-89 M=Meets the standard

C 70-79 P=Progressing toward the standard

D 60-69

U 59-below

Grading Procedures:

Reading: 40% Major Assessments – Benchmark and unit assessments, comprehension quizzes, novel quizzes

60% Minor Assessments -- Daily grades: comprehension strategies, reading responses, etc.

Language Arts: 10% Spelling Skills

30% Major Assessments -- Writing portfolio prompts, grammar tests

60% Minor Assessments -- Daily writing grades, writing process, journals, research process

Math, Social Studies, Science:

40% Major Assessments -- Tests and projects

60% Minor Assessments -- Daily grades, quizzes, other activities

Penmanship: M = neat, correct letter formation

P = letter formation is sometimes incorrect or messy

Homework Policy:

Homework is an extension of the classroom. It provides needed practice, while developing responsibility. Students could possibly have homework each day except Friday. Homework in third grade is expected to take around 30 minutes. Students should spend some time each day reading independently, 20 minutes. This time should include a variety of types of reading. Students’ reading should be recorded daily on their reading log. The parent’s role is to provide time and space for quiet, productive work, as well as to provide encouragement and reinforcement if the child encounters difficulty.

Behavior Management:

This year our school has joined a relationship building movement called Capturing Kids Hearts.

Capturing Kids Hearts

-A relationship building approach to discipline that creates self-managing groups.

-Teachers use the EXCEL model to communicate with students.

-Students create their own rules via a social contract and hold each other accountable.

-Students use "checks" and "fouls" to manage classroom.

-An environment is created that emphasizes positivity through "good things" and affirmations"

The EXCEL Model

Engage: Students are greeted at the door with a handshake, eye contact and a welcome.

X-plore: Teachers listen and attend to the personal, emotional and academic needs of our students.

Communicate: Teachers communicate care as well as content.

Empower: Teachers empower students to gain the ability to use and do the things they have been taught.

Launch: Deals with how we "end and send" our students into the world. The purpose is to start our students on a course of action by ending our day on a powerful note.

The Social Contract

The Social Contract is created by the students, assisted by the teacher, in effort to answer four questions regarding the environment of the classroom. The four questions include:

-How do you want to be treated by the teacher?

-How do you want to be treated by each other?

-How do you think the teacher wants to be treated by you?

-How do we want to treat each other when there is conflict?

The resulting answers make up a list of adjectives which serve as the basis for the student expectations of behavior in the classroom. The Social Contract is signed by all classroom members including the teacher and assistant. The document is also show to visitors and they are encouraged to sign the contract as well. The document is a living document and is referred to on a regular basis to highlight success and serves as a guide for when problems arise.

Breaking the Contract

If a student breaks the Social Contract there are four behavior questions which are asked by the teacher.

-What are you doing?

-What are you supposed to be doing?

-Are you doing it?

-What are you going to do about it?

If a student breaks the contract again they are aware there will be a consequence.

Checks and Fouls

When a student is not following the Social Contract, other students will "check" that student. It is a silent reminder of a thumbs up to remind the student they need to change their behavior. When a student is being unkind, other students will "foul" that student. The student is then asked to give two "put ups" for the "put down" they gave.

Good Things

At the beginning of the day we will start with "good things", in which students share something good that is going on with them. This creates an environment of positivity and helps build relationships.

Please be sure to read our Student Handbook to get a better understanding of Capturing Kids Hearts.

Chandler Creek recognizes three types of behavior: tier 1, tier 2 and tier 3.

Tier 1 behaviors are normally handled by the teacher. They may not require administrator involvement, do not significantly violate rights of others, and do not appear chronic. Tier 1 Behaviors account for about 80% of school discipline needs. Tier 2 behaviors violate the rights of others, put others at risk or harm, or are chronic minor behaviors. Tier 2 behavior accounts for about 15 % of school discipline needs. Tier 3 behaviors significantly violate the rights of others, put others at risk or harm, or are chronic minor behaviors. Tier 3 Behavior accounts for about 5% of school discipline needs. Parents are always involved, as well as, interventionist with the possibility of a need for outside services. Removal from class, out of school suspension and district intervention is common for Tier 3 Behaviors. When necessary law enforcement is contacted for the safety of all parties.

Four Star Behavior Chart

All classroom will utilize the following 4 Star Behavior Chart to communicate student behavior to parents/guardians. It is the belief that students need to be aware of their behavior and can change behavior when taught effectively to use appropriate skills for the class community.

Students begin each day on four stars and can clip up or down according to their behavior.

Four Stars- I have Champion Behavior

Three Stars- I need to reflect on my behavior

Two Stars - I need a Think Out (written behavior reflection) and my family is called

One Star- Behavior Specialist is involved and parent conference

School Expectations

A copy of school expectations will be given to students and parents at the beginning of the year. A large copy of school expectations for each area will be printed on the school poster maker and displayed throughout the building. Additionally, school expectations will be discussed and modeled in the classroom, and on the morning news show at the beginning of the school year and as needed throughout the year.

Schoolwide Rules Common Rules - S.T.A.R.

S-Strive to do your best.

T-Take responsibility.

A-Always work together.

R-Respect others and yourself

Communication with Parents

Teachers and students will communicate their behavior number DAILY through the use of a calendar in the student’s homework folder. Numbers are an easy way to show where students behave during the day, yet our goal is to teach the correct action and allow students to learn which kinds of behaviors are desired for a well-rounded student.

Non-Instructional Routines:

Morning Procedures

It is expected that students enter the classroom quietly between 7:45Am and 8:00AM to prepare for the school day. They should immediately get out materials they need for the day including their homework folder, be sure to have a sharpened pencil, and have a seat. The morning agenda will be posted on the board for students to view each morning. This will include copying homework and the morning work for the day. Students should remain quiet during this time to begin focusing for the school day.

Bathroom Procedures

Students will have the opportunity to use the restroom once as a class. They can notify me through an understood symbol and step out of the classroom as long as delivery of instruction is not taking place. Students should not leave the classroom more than twice a day to use the bathroom in addition to our class bathroom break.

Parents as Partners:

We love working as a team to help your child succeed! Please always remember that if you have any questions at all, feel free to contact Mrs. Parris. There is no such thing as being TOO well-informed! Here are some ways to stay in touch:

· Check your child’s behavior chart and homework each night.

· Be sure to read the weekly newsletter each Monday. It includes a lot of important tips and information.

· Review all grade reports in your child’s weekly folder.

· Sign up online to use the district parent portal. This is an invaluable resource for viewing your child’s grades any time!


· Check my webpage for information.

· Pick up the phone! I will try to return your call within 24 hours. My class phone goes straight to voicemail during school hours.

· Email. I will do my best to reply within 24 hours. (This is the preferred way to contact me for a quick response.)

Research shows that parental involvement with school increases student achievement. No matter what your schedule, there are many ways that you can help contribute to your child’s learning and stay involved with our classroom! In addition to the tips above for staying informed, you can:

· Guide your child and show him/her how to be organized with his/her work.

· Send in class donations such as healthy class snacks, individually wrapped candy, medium-sized treats, copy paper, pencil cap erasers, black erase markers, Elmer's glue sticks, and notebook paper.

· Volunteer as a classroom helper by reading books aloud to children, helping at class parties, assisting with laminating & copying, chaperoning field trips, or assisting with special events.

· Attend Open House, PTA meetings, and special events to allow your child to showcase his/her school.

· Ask your child what we’re learning at school.

· Talk to your child about what he/she is reading each night.

South Carolina State Standards:

A complete listing of standards can be accessed through the Greenville County School District website or the South Carolina State Department website.