For Parents

What Can I Do?

You have come here for ideas and suggestions on how to help your child! Thank you for doing your best to help!

1) Sign up for Parent Portal

You can come up to Chandler Creek and sign up for "Parent Portal." This allows you have have access to your child's grades at all times! That's right! There's no more waiting around for progress reports and report cards.

2) Check your child's folder(s)

Your child has two folders: a weekly folder and a daily folder.

Weekly folders are supposed to bring home their weekly papers and assignments. A newsletter is sent home every week as well. This gives vital information such as spelling words, vocabulary words, upcoming tests, and our current units of study. Is your child losing papers or are they not making their way home? Sign up for Parent Portal to always be "in the know!"

A daily folder should have your child's behavior chart (filled out at the end of the day), homework, and important notices.

3) Reading

Is your child's reading grade not at its usual level? Check his/her reading notebook. Each week, every child should turn in TWO reading responses on his/her designated day. Each response should be 3/4 page in length and show the reader's thoughts and support from the story using page numbers, examples, and/or quotes. There's a list of prompts in the back of the notebook to help your child choose appropriate topics on which to respond. If your child's grade is slipping, check his/her notebook to see what suggestions have been given by the teacher for improved responses. A few examples are below:

I wonder what it means...

I really like/dislike this idea because...

This character reminds me of somebody I know because...

This character is like (name of character) in (title of book) because...

I think this setting is important because...

This scene reminds me of a similar scene in (title of book) because...

I like/dislike this author's writing because...

This part is very realistic/unrealistic because...

I like/dislike (name of character) because...

As I read, I felt...

Something I learned from my reading...

I wonder why...

I can't believe...

I felt sad when...

My favorite part of the book...

I chose to read this book because...

What dio you think might happen next?

What came as a surprise in this book? Why?

What is the best part of the book? Why? What is the worst part? Why?

Has the book helped you in any way? Explain.

What are some words you don't know?

How would the story be different if it was told...(choose ONLY one

from a different character's point of view?

from a narrator?

from a different time period?

Write a poem about your book.

Create a slogan for the book and explain why you chose this.

Write a letter to the author of your book.

Create an award for this book. Explain the award and why this book received it.

**See your child's reading notebook for all 100 prompts!

Does your child need help with reading comprehension? Good news: All students at Chandler Creek are registered for Compass. It's a program in which your child works on his/her reading instructional level. Think about Goldilocks and the Three Bears. It's not too hard. It's not too easy. It's just right! Have your child work on the Raz Kids program a few minutes every night.

How to log in to Google Classroom

Go to

Username is your students first name first letter then five letters of their last name followed by a 4 digit number they know.

Example: Taylor Johnson

Password is their birth date in number format

Example: December 12, 2006


Once logged in they can see any Google Classroom assignments from home as well as check grades on parent portal.

4) Math

Sign your child up for free Your child has already been registered for this website and it helps your child reach fluency in math facts: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. This is a necessary skill in order to have your child be successful with more complex math problems.

Frequently, for minor grades, Mrs. Whitham will provide the opportunity to "redo" missed problems. We believe learning from mistakes is a great way to grow and develop those math skills. This is optional, but a great way for your child's to push himself to do his best.

5) Science or S.S.

We are using interactive notebooks in science and social studies this year. The teacher provides information and students have the opportunity to share and express what they have learned in words, paragraphs, reflections, and drawings. Did you know that your child has a science and social studies notebook? Well, he/she does! Have your child bring it home and look through it daily. It will keep his/her brain refreshed and thinking about each day's work!

6) Writing

We at Chandler Creek are striving to help students become their best in all subject areas. As a grade level, we have decided to offer an opportunity for more learning and improved grades on final writing papers!

We will hand back your child’s essay and grading rubric with your child’s grade. If he/she would like to do a rewrite to improve his/her grade, these are the requirements which must be followed:

1) A student-teacher conference must happen prior to the rewrite,

2) All work must be done at school,

3) Their first essay must be turned in along with the rewrite.

This is an optional practice for 5th graders. We believe in guiding students through the learning process and giving opportunities for all students to succeed!

7) Contact Mrs.Smith

Mrs. Sara Smith's Email