School Safety

School Safety doesn’t just happen; it is a conscious effort on the part of many! Parents we need your help with the arrival and dismissal. Below are some ways parents and guardians can help keep students, staff, and parents safe.

  1. The school parking lot is for parking only at arrival and dismissal, not student drop off.
  2. Please load and unload students on the passenger side. Please let your student out at the sidewalk when the traffic stops. Do not wait and pull down to the last spot. It is important to keep traffic moving and to not back-up the line.
  3. Please have your child(ren) ready to unload and ready to exit car when pulling on campus.
  4. Do not pass in the car line.
  5. The bus loop is for buses and day care vans only.
  6. Parents must sign-in students arriving after 8:00 am.
  7. Parents must come to the front office to sign-out students after dismissal has ended at 2:45.

Thanks for your help in keeping everyone safe!