Behavior System

Class Promises:

1. I will listen and follow directions.

2. I will raise my hand to speak or leave my seat.

3. I will respect others and all school materials.

4. I will use kind and helpful words.


Each student has a clothespin with their name on it on the behavior clip chart in our classroom. If a rule is broken:

1. The student will get a verbal warning first in order to self-correct and make better choices.

2. The student will be asked to move the clip down and think about their choices.

3. The student will be asked to move the clip down again and will lose a privilege.

4. The student will be asked to move the clip down again and will lose all privileges. (Referral to the office is possible.) Parents will be contacted.


Any student ending the day on “ready to learn” or above has proven to be a “star student” that day. The student will receive at least one Class Dojo point for the day. Once students have at least ten Class Dojo points, they will get a prize from the “Prize Pig” on Friday of each week.