Physical Fitness training and Defensive Tactics

Above is an example of military fighting tactics taught by the US Marine Corp. All military branches and police agencies teach a form of defensive and offensive fighting tactics. The students will learn defensive fighting for self defense. The principles behind the Defensive Tactics class is not only to learn how to defend against an assault but also deflect and control the attacker through pressure points, joint locks and defensive strikes. The course will teach the students some of the tactics that are in the above listed video that are defense only. A PPCT packet is sent home explaining the course for parents approval.

In Law Enforcement 1 students will learn basic fighting skills to deflect and counter physical attacks as well as balance displacement and tactics for escaping physical confrontation.

In Law Enforcement 2 students will review the basic fighting skills learned in the previous class. Students will then learn how to take defensive skills and turn them to offensive skills. Students will learn how to disarm assailants that armed with knives, sticks/batons and firearms.

Physical Fitness

Physical fitness is a requirement for both law enforcement programs. The law enforcement program incorporates several military standards as well as cardio, obstacle navigation, various weight training and competitive sports. Listed below are the requirements to pass basic training for military service.


UNITED STATES MARINE CORP Basic Training Requirements


Age Group 880-Yard Run Ammo Lifts Maneuver Under Fire

17-26 2:45 91 2:14

27-39 2:51 97 2:14

40-45 3:03 87 2:34

46 3:05 86 3:05


Age Group 880-Yard Run Ammo Lifts Maneuver Under Fire

17-26 3:23 60 3:01

27-39 3:19 53 3:05

40-45 3:49 45 3:40

46 4:12 38 4:20