
Welcome to Astronomy! Within this course, we will cover the study of Astronomy from ancient to modern man, and explore objects within our solar system, galaxy, extra-galactic objects, and cosmology. Where appropriate, components of astrophysics will be covered in conjunction with our study of Astronomy,

All assignments and important announcements will be posted on Google Classroom.

Mr. Anderson and Astronomy

Like many children, I too had an astronaut phase. I dreamed of going to space and gazing out into the universe from the Space Shuttle. Despite learning that I didn't have the "rght stuff" to becoming an astronaut, I never lost my passion for space and astronomy. One of the seminal moments in my understanding that there is much more out there than here on Earth was when I first gazed upon Jupiter and Saturn through a telescope. Seeing the cloud bands of Jupiter and the Rings of Saturn made me realize that I could still study the stars from here on Earth.

While studying physics at Furman University, I started a hobby in astrophotopraphy, as well as how applications of visual astronomy can be used within a classroom to increase student engagement. Recently, I have been selected to participate in the NITARP program. NITARP is a program run by NASA and CalTech to pair research astronomers with classroom teachers to engage in an authentic research project using data from space and ground based telescopes.

NITARP - Spider Team