About WC


Washington Center, located in Greenville, South Carolina, is a public school serving approximately 136 students who require specialized instruction as a result of severe intellectual disabilities. Recommendations for placement at Washington Center are based on individualized education programs (IEPs) developed specifically for each student by teams that include: parents, administrators, classroom teachers, therapists, psychologists, and others with relevant knowledge of an individual student.

Washington Center serves students on two campuses—both designed with input from parents, staff members, and architectural professionals. The younger children, ages approximately 3-8, occupy a wing of Hollis Academy which was renovated in 2011 and has capacity for six classes. Currently there are three fully equipped classrooms in operation. Older students attend the Betty Spencer Drive location, built in 2005, where there are 18 classrooms, as well as kitchens and a greenhouse, a gym, and a media center. There are also therapy rooms, nurses’ stations, administrative offices, multisensory suites, and adapted playgrounds at both locations. The school is currently in the process of developing a nature trail that will be located behind the Betty Spencer Drive campus.

Students on the two campuses are served by 21 classroom teachers, 45 paraprofessionals, 8 nurses, and 2 orderlies. Related arts teachers and therapists travel between the two campuses in order to meet the students’ needs. Itinerant vision and hearing services are available for qualifying students, and two teachers serve 20 Washington Center students who are medically homebound.

Values and Beliefs

Washington Center’s motto is “Those you think cannot…can!” reflecting the belief that all students can learn and grow and that small increments of improvement deserve recognition and celebration. The beliefs, articulated by staff members many year ago continue to be relevant.

We believe students will…

  • Participate in the communication of basic wants and needs
  • Participate in modified academic instruction
  • Perform the basic activities of daily living
  • Demonstrate socially acceptable behaviors
  • Demonstrate skills needed to participate in family and community activities
  • Utilize instructional technology


Washington Center was established to provide a unique, non-traditional setting for educating students with intellectual disabilities, often accompanied by medical, sensory, and/or orthopedic challenges. The goal is to teach skills that will enable students to live as independently as possible and to enjoy learning and participating in family and community activities.


The mission of Washington Center is to address students’ individual needs through appropriately adapted learning experiences. Standards-based instruction is provided daily; and, through home, school, and community collaboration, an educational environment has been created that conveys respect and recognition of each student’s potential for success. Rather than focusing on student limitations, staff members strive to provide levels of support required for optimal student growth.

Shared Vision

Washington Center stakeholders share a commitment to the school’s vision. Each year staff members and others are surveyed regarding a variety of matters, and the input received is used to guide future decisions.