Grading Scale

Grading  Scale: Grading Composition 

10 Point Scale 60% major - test/quiz, project

A = 90 - 100% 40% minor - classwork, homework

B= 80 - 89%

C = 70 - 79%

D = 60 - 69%

F = 0 - 59% 

*Check BACKPACK weekly for your grades. Contact me if you have any questions regarding any of your grades in backpack.*

To pass this class, students also cannot have more than 5 unexcused absences. If they do, they must do seat time to make up this time. If they fail to do this, students will FA (fail due to absences) regardless if they have a passing grade. 

Students will take the EOC (end of course exam) given to them by the state at the end of the semester. This exam is worth 20% of the final grade for this class. It is important that students do well on this to pass the course and in order to do so, students should be present to school mentally and physically as well as complete homework assignments. 

Students will have to have a final grade of 60 to pass this class. 

Grade Calculation: 40% of quarter 1 or 3+ 40% of quarter 2 or 4 + 20% from state exam

(quarter * .4) + (other quarter * .4) + (exam *.2)