Ms. Deatcher’s 4th Grade Class


We have been working closely together and have made much progress in all areas of the curriculum and areas of behavior. You can help by talking with you child about such things as cooperation, respect, self-discipline, and integrity. These are words that they will hear daily in our classroom, and we will be putting the concepts into daily practice. I have already seen students using very effective problem solving methods in dealing with their classmates, and I know that they will continue to improve these social skills as well as their academic skills throughout the year.
  1. Walk quietly from place to place --Respect
  2. Listen and follow directions –Responsibility
  3. Keep hands, feet, and objects to self -- Respect
  4. Always do your best and complete your work – Responsibility
  5. Keep yourself and surroundings clean – Respect
  6. Treat everyone with kindness, honesty, and respect – Integrity


All classrooms use a color coded clip system. The goal of this system is to be consistent and to supply students with a visual reminder of the discipline standards we expect them to achieve. The program is based on a DAILY ‘clip' process and appropriate consequences are assigned by the classroom teacher. Teachers will use a variety of disciplinary actions to enforce classroom rules and procedures. Most disciplinary actions are minor in nature and can be resolved by the classroom teacher’s management plan. When students choose to violate the discipline code, they may be assigned time-out in other classrooms.The following types of misconduct will lead to disciplinary action by the teacher or administration:
  • Behavior which will prevent teaching or student learning;
  • Willful infliction of physical harm to self or others;
  • Willful destruction of school property or the property of others;
  • Overt refusal of directions or a reasonable request;
  • Verbal disrespect;
  • Bullying or other forms of harassment;
  • Fighting
When an action occurs that requires administrative intervention, the action may range from a verbal warning to suspension. All disciplinary actions will be considered on an individual basis and will consider the seriousness of the offense, the child’s age, and the number of repetitions. If a disciplinary offense occurs which requires the student to be sent to the principal /assistant principal, a specific course of action will be followed.First Referral --Principal/administrative assistant will conference with the child to discuss the problem and help the student see how his/her behavior can be improved. Parent will be notified by phone. The referral will be sent home with the child. It must be signed by the parent and returned to the principal the next day. Depending on the infraction, a consequence such as lunch detention may be assigned.Second Referral --a parent conference will be held by phone or in person to discuss the child's behavior and how it can be improved. The student may be placed in office detention/in-school suspension for the remainder of the school day. In office detention, the student will complete assigned work in a quiet environment and will be supervised by administration. The student may have detention after school from 2:30-3:30 for one day (Tuesday / Thursday) if behavior warrants such a measure.