Grading and

Class Information


Students will not receive a grade in this course. They will either be given "progress" or "no progress" at the end of the semester based on their performance completing the Skill Building program.

Please note:

Failure to make progress in Skill Building will result in the student remaining in the course for Semester 2, which will take one of their Related Arts periods.

Classroom Expectations

The 6 P's

  • Prompt

  • Polite

  • Prepared

  • Participate

  • Produce

  • Positive Attitude


Charged Chromebook, lined loose-leaf paper, two-pocket folder with prongs, pencil, a black pen, inexpensive wired headphones


The programs used in Skill Building were chosen by the district and are individualized to the student based on formative assessments in math. These assessments identify areas of need, and the assignments they will complete will help them in that area of need.


Homework is given on an as-needed basis to finish classwork assignments. If your student works in class, they will never have any homework.